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ISO 10109-2015 pdf free download

ISO 10109-2015 pdf free download.Optics and photonics Guidance for the selection of environmental tests
Optiques et photonique — Directives relatives au choix des essais environnementaux.
area of application
classification of the operability of an instrument within a defined environment and intended application
Note 1 to entry: The manufacturer defines the environment parameters. This can be done, e.g. by using predefined ‘standardized areas of application’ such as in Table 3 to Table 8 in full or in part.
EXAMPLE General application in an office environment with air conditioning; or an outdoor application, non- weather protected in arctic climate.
conditioning method
individual or combined environmental influence(s) to which the specimen is submitted during the test, e.g. shock or damp heat
degree of severity
parameter containing all the individual quantities required for the test
Note ito entry: See also the specific parts of Iso 9022.
EXAMPLE Temperature, humidity, conditioning time, and others have to be defined for the intended area of application.
state of operation
code that designates the state of operation of a specimen
Note ito entry: TableJ. gives states of operation in accordance with ISO 9022 (all parts).
3 Environmental influences
3.1 General
Table 3 to Table 8 classify and describe standardized environment areas, which constitute a summary of the various environmental parameters with major influences to products during shipping, transport. storage, and operation.
The values for standard environments I and 2 have been compiled from excerpts of IEC 6072 1-2-1 and
IEC 60721-3-4.
Standard environment 5 is defined for use in weather-protected locations.
Standard environment 6 is defined as an open-air climate with restricted limiting values for optical precision measurements and for the use of optical consumer products in the open air.
4 Table for environmental tests and test parameters
The wide range of technologies applied In complex instruments often requires specific and individually selected test parameters, test sequences, and combined tests. Table 9 is a collection of mainly climatic and mechanical tests.
The user of this International Standard, e.g. a manufacturer, selects the tests and adapts the parameters to his specific equipment. A specific area of application has to be defined for every item of equipment and both the tests and the degree of severity also have to be adapted to the intended climatic and operating environment and to the customer expectations. It is up to the manufacturer to carefully select the appropriate tests, the combination of the tests, the required technical parameters, the degree of severity, the status of operation and other parameters. An example is given in Annex A.
As a general test result, the status after the test can be shown in the table for each specific test-run.
Note that in Table 9. the combination of the three columns Conditionlng method, “Degree of severity”, and State of operationu provide the full specification using the coded format as defined in ISO 9022-1. The column labelled NTechnical requirement” is only a short description and does not reproduce the full requirement. For a full description, it is necessary to consult the referenced standards.ISO 10109-2015 pdf free download.

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