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ISO 105-E01-2013 pdf free download
ISO 105-E01-2013 pdf free download.Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part E01:Colour fastness to water
Textiles — Essais de solidité des colons — Partie EO1: Solidité des colons a l’eau.
6 Test specimen
6.1 If the textile to be tested is fabric, either
a) attach a specimen measuring (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm to a piece of the multifibre adlacent fabric (4.jl), also measunng (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm, by sewing along one of the shorter sides, with the multifibre fabric next to the face of the specimen, or
b) attach a specimen measuring (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm between the two single-fibre adjacent fabrics 4.3.2). also measuring (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm, by sewing along one of the shorter sides.
6.2 Where yarn or loose fibre is to be tested, take a mass of the yarn or loose fibre approximately equal to one-half of the combined mass of the adjacent fabrics, and either
a) place it between a (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm piece of the multifibre fabric (4.3.1) and a (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm piece of the non-dyeable fabric (4.3.3) and sew them along all four sides (see ISO 105-A01:2010, 10.3, Preparation of composite specimens), or
b) place it between a (40 ± 2) mm x (100 ± 2) mm piece of each of the two specified single-fibre fabrics (4.32) and sew along all four sides.
7 Procedure
7.1 Lay out the composite specimen smoothly in a flat-bottomed dish and cover with grade 3 water (5.1) at room temperature.
Thoroughly wet the composite specimen in this solution at an approximate liquor ratio of 50:1. and allow it to remain in the solution at room temperature for 30 mm. Press and move it from time to time to ensure good and uniform penetration of the liquor. Pour off the solution and wipe the excess liquor off the specimen between two glass rods.
Place the composite specimen between the two glass or acrylic-resin plates (see4.7), under a nominal pressure of (12,5 ± 0,9) kPa, and place in the test device (4d) which has been preheated to the test temperature.
NOTE Up to 10 test specimens, each separated from the next by one plate, can be tested In one test device simultaneously. If less than 10 specimens are prepared, all 11 plates must still be used to maintain the correct nominal pressure
7.2 Place the test device containing the composite specimen in the oven (42) for 4 h at (37 ± 2) °C, positioning it so that the test specimens are in either the horizontal position (Figure 1) or the vertical position (Figure 2) depending on the type of device available.ISO 105-E01-2013 pdf free download.
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