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ISO 10976-2015 pdf free download

ISO 10976-2015 pdf free download.Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids Measurement of cargoes on board LNG carriers
Hydrocarbures légers réfrigérés — Mesurage des cargaisons a bord des navires méthaniers.
5.3 Calibration and certification of measurement equipment
All specified measurement equipment used on board an LNG carrier shall be certified prior to initial use. Subsequently, measurement equipment and systems shall be re-calibrated and re-certified on a periodic basis, subject to SPA or national requirements. Measurement equipment shall be re-certified where modification or repairs are carried out and which affect the accuracy of the measurement data.
The components of the CTMS and the accuracy of the quantity calculation of the CTMS shall be certified by a recognized inspection body.
Calibration and re-calibration shall be performed by a qualified technician and witnessed by an independent inspector. Upon successful calibration, the results shall be certified by the party witnessing the calibration and a certificate of calibration issued.
Manufacturers of the measurement equipment and systems may participate in the calibration, which often require setting, maintenance or replacement prior to final calibration of the equipment and the related measurement system. For measurement equipment and systems, the calibration work should be witnessed by the parties or their appointed independent inspector, who should be responsible for incorporating the results in the certificate issued.
Calibration shall cover the local and remote readout, and data transmission to ensure the equipment, which may consist of components of the measurement subsystem(s), delivers the specified accuracy.
5.4 Verification of measurement equipment between dry dockings
In addition to calibration during each dry docking, all measurement devices used in custody transfer shall be checked before use at each loading or discharge to ensure they are in good working condition.
The comparison of the primary and secondary measurement device within a tank should be performed as one means of verification. The results of this comparison should be recorded and tracked by the vessel operator. One method of evaluating the results is through the use of a control chart. For control charts, see Li
Other devices may be verified while the ship is in service. For example, pressure gauges may be verified against a reference standard device. Trim/list gauges, such as inclinometers or draft gauges (if used for level corrections may be verified/calibrated at even keel by comparison to manual draft measurements or other equivalent procedure.
Where equipment is suspect or has failed, secondary devices shall be used in its place until the equipment is repaired or verified to be in good working order. For example, in situ temperature verification/calibration at cryogenic conditions is not practicable; therefore, temperature sensors which have been shown to be faulty when verified during normal operation shall be replaced as soon as practicable.ISO 10976-2015 pdf free download.

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