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ISO 10983-2014 pdf free download

ISO 10983-2014 pdf free download.Timber Finger joints Minimum production requirements and testing methods
Bois — Aboutages — Exigences minimales de production et méthodes d ‘essais.
Finger joint strength shall be established through qualification testing and verified for each production batch through ongoing compliance testing. Specimens are permitted to be tested In either bending or tension as chosen by the manufacturer or as required by an accreditation agency; however, the same configuration used for qualification testing shall also be used for compliance testing.
6.2 Materials
Finger joints with differences in processing, treatment, timber species (or species group), joint geometry. or adhesive shall be evaluated separately. Sample joints shall be selected from and represent normal production. The timber densities shall be representative of the species and grade concerned. At the time the sample joints are manufactured, the timber shall be at the moisture content at which production joints would normally be made. The surface finish of the specimens at the time of testing shall be typical of the jointed timber normally supplied by the manufacturer.
Specimens for qualification testing shall be tested in the fully cured condition. Specimens for compliance testing are permitted to be tested in the fully cured condition or in a partially cured condition, provided that a consistent relationship has been established between fully cured strength and partially cured strength. Where partially cured specimens are tested for compliance, the time between bonding of the joint and testing shall be consistent to ensure that a similar degree of cure is achieved for each specimen. The relationship between partially cured end joint strengths and fully cured end joint strengths shall be re-evaluated periodically at intervals of one month or less.
NOTE The re-evaluation period for the relationship between partially and fully cured end joint strengths should be established considering all parameters that may influence the relationship. These include changes to the manufacturing facilities ambient conditions such as temperature and relative humidity, the wood condition such as temperature and moisture content, and the adhesive sensitivity to the manufacturing conditions. The sensitivity of the partially and fully cured end joint strength relationship to these conditions should be included in the evaluation to establish an appropriate re-evaluation interval.
6.3 Testing procedure
Testing shall be conducted In accordance with AnncxA for bending tests or Annex B for tension tests. Each specimen shall contain a finger joint at mid-length. Where possible, the whole jointed cross section shall be tested. However, test specimens not covering the full cross section of the jointed timber may be used provided that two specimens, each making up at least one-third of the cross section, are tested. In bending tests, these specimens shall include the edges of the original cross section and these edges shall be on the tension side of the specimen in the bending test. Only the lower test result shall be considered.
6.4 Recording requirements
For the finger joints tested, the following information shall be recorded and signed by the person responsible for the testing:ISO 10983-2014 pdf free download.

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