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ISO 1099-2017 pdf free download

ISO 1099-2017 pdf free download.Metallic materials Fatigue testing Axial force-controlled method
Matérlaux métalliques — Essais defatigue — Méthode par force axiale con trôlée.
The surface condition is commonly quantified by the mean roughness or equivalent (e.g. ten-point roughness or maximum height of irregularities). The influence of this variable on the results obtained depends largely on the test conditions, and its influence is reduced by surface corrosion of the specimen or plastic deformation. It is preferable, whatever the test conditions, to specify a mean surface roughness of less than 0,2 im Ra (or equivalent). See ISO 4287 and ISO 4288.
Another important parameter not covered by mean roughness is the presence of localized machining scratches. Finishing operations on cylindrical specimens should eliminate all circumferential scratches produced during turning. Final grinding followed by longitudinal mechanical polishing is particularly recommended, A low magnification check (— x20) shall not show any circumferential scratches within the gauge length.
If heat treatment is to be carried out after rough finishing of the specimen, it is preferable to carry out the final polishing after the heat treatment. II this is not possible, the heat treatment should be carried out in a vacuum or in inert gas to prevent oxidation of the specimen. This treatment shall not alter the microstructural characteristics of the material under study. The specific conditions of heat treatment and machining procedure shall be reported with the test results.
6.3.4 DimensIonal checks
The dimensions should be measured on completion of the final machining stage using a method of metrology that does not alter the surface condition.
6.3.5 Storage arid handling
After preparation, the specimens should be stored so as to prevent any risk of damage (scratching by contact, oxidation, etc.). The use of individual boxes or tubes with end caps is recommended. In certain cases, storage in a vacuum or in a desiccator filled with silica gel is necessary.
Handling should be reduced to the minimum necessary. Particular attention shall be given to marking the specimens. Identification shall be applied to each end of the specimen before testing.
7 Apparatus
7.1 Test machine
The tests shall be conducted using a tension-compression machine designed for a smooth start-up with no backlash when passing through zero. The machine shall have lateral rigidity and accurate alignment (see ISO 23788, Annex C).
The complete machine-loading system (including force transducer, grips, specimen, etc.) shall have lateral rigidity and be capable of controlling and measuring force when applying the recommended wave cycle.ISO 1099-2017 pdf free download.

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