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ISO 1101-2012 pdf free download

ISO 1101-2012 pdf free download.Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Geometrical tolerancing Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out
Specification géométrique des pro duits (GPS) — Tolérancement géométrique — Tolérancement de forme, orientation, position et battement.
NOTE 4 By default, the direction feature Is a cone, a cylinder or a plane constructed from the datum or datum system indicated In the second compartment of the direction feature indicator. The geometry of the direction feature depends on the geometry of the toleranced feature.
compound contiguous feature
feature composed of several single features joined together without gaps
NOTE 1 A compound contiguous feature can be closed or not.
NOTE 2 A non-dosed compound contiguous feature can be defined by the way of using the “between” symbol (see 10.1.4).
NOTE 3 A closed compound contiguous feature can be defined by the way of using the “alP around” symbol (see 10.1.2). In this case, it is a set of single features whose intersection with any p’ane parallel to a collection plane is a line or a point.
collection plane
plane, established from a nominal feature on the workpiece, defining a closed compound contiguous feature
NOTE The collection plane may be required when the “aIl around” symbol is applied.
theoretically exact dimension
dimension indicated on technical product documentation, which is not affected by an individual or general tolerance
NOTE 1 For the purpose of this International Standard, the term heoretically exact dimension” has been abbreviated
NOTE 2 A theoretically exact dimension is a dimension used in operations (e.g. association. partition, collection, …).
NOTE 3 A theoretically exact dimension can be a linear dimension or an angular dimension.
NOTE 4 A TED can define
the extension or the relative location of a portion of one feature.
— the length of the protection of a feature,
— the theoretical orientation or location from one or more features, or the nominal shape of a feature.
NOTE 5 A TED is Indicated by a rectangular frame including a value.ISO 1101-2012 pdf free download.

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