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ISO 1182-2010 pdf free download
ISO 1182-2010 pdf free download.Reaction to fire tests for products — Non-combustibility test
Essais de reaction au feu de produits — Essai dincombustibilité.
4.7 Mirror, provided above the apparatus, positioned such that it does not affect the test, to facilitate
observation of sustained flaming and for the safety of the operator.
NOTE A mirror 300 mm square at an angle of 30 to the horizontal, 1 m above the furnace, has been found suitable.
4.8 Balance, with an accuracy of 0,01 g.
4.9 Voltage stabilizer, single-phase automatic, with a rating of not less than 1,5 kVA.
It shall be capable of maintaining the accuracy of the output voltage within ±1 % of the rated value from zero to full load.
4.10 Variable transformer, capable of handling at least 1,5 kVA and of regulating the voltage output from zero to a maximum value equal to that of the input voltage.
4.11 Electrical input monitor, consisting of an ammeter and voltmeter or wattmeter, to enable rapid setting of the furnace to approximately the operating temperature. Any of these instruments shall be capable of measuring the levels of electrical power specified in 7.2.3.
4.12 Power controller, for use as an alternative to the voltage stabilizer, variable transformer and electrical input monitor specified in 4.9, 4,10 and 4.11. It shall be of the type which incorporates phase-angle firing and shall be linked to a thyristor unit capable of supplying 1.5 WA. The maximum voltage shall not be greater than 100 V and the current limit shall be adjusted to give p100 % power equivalent to the maximum rating of the heater coil. The stability of the power controller shall be approximately 1,0 % and the set point repeatability shall be ± 1,0 %. The power output shall be linear over the set point range.
4.13 Temperature indicator and recorder, capable of measuring the output from the thermocouple to the nearest I °C or the millivolt equivalent. It shall be capable of producing a permanent record of this at intervals of not greater than I s.
NOTE A suitable instrument is either a digital device or a multirange ctart recorder with an operating range of 10 mV full-scale deflection with a ‘zero” of approximately 700 °C.
4.14 TimIng device, capable of recording elapsed time to the nearest second and accurate to within 1 s in
1 h.
4.15 Desiccator, for storing the conditioned specimens (see Clause 6).ISO 1182-2010 pdf free download.
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