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ISO 12100-2010 pdf free download

ISO 12100-2010 pdf free download.Safety of machinery General principles for design Risk assessment and risk reduction
Sécurité des machines — Principes généraux de conception — Appreciation du risque et reduction du risque.
The elements of guards and of protective devices shall be especially reliable, as their failure can expose persons to hazards, and also because poor reliability would encourage attempts to defeat them.
6.2.14 Limiting exposure to hazards through mechanization or automation of loading (feeding)I unloading (removal) operations
Mechanization and automation of machine loading/unloading operations and, more generally, of handling operations — of workpieces, materials or substances — limits the risk generated by these operations by reducing the exposure of persons to hazards at the operating points.
Automation can be achieved by, for example, robots, handling devices, transfer mechanisms and air-blast equipment. Mechanization can be achieved by, for example, feeding slides, push-rods and hand-operated indexing tables.
While automatic feeding and removal devices have much to offer in preventing accidents to machine operators, they can create danger when any faults are being corrected. Care shall be taken to ensure that the use of these devices does not introduce further hazards, such as trapping or crushing, between the devices and parts of the machine or workpieces/materials being processed. Suitable safeguards (see 6.3) shall be provided if this cannot be ensured.
Automatic feeding and removal devices with their own control systems and the control system of the associated machine shall be interconnected after thorough study of how all safety functions are performed in all the control and operation modes of the entire equipment.
6.2.15 LImiting exposure to hazards through location of setting and maintenance points outside danger zones
The need for access to danger zones shall be minimized by locating maintenance, lubrication and setting points outside these zones.
6.3 Safeguarding and complementary protective measures
6.3.1 General
Guards and protective devices shall be used to protect persons whenever an inherently safe design measure does not reasonably make it possible either to remove hazards or to sufficiently reduce risks. Complementary protective measures involving additional equipment (for example, emergency stop equipment) may have to be implemented.
NOTE The different kinds of guards and protective devices are defined In 3.27 and 3,28. Certain safeguards may be used to avoid exposure to more than one hazard.ISO 12100-2010 pdf free download.

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