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ISO 12162-2009 pdf free download

ISO 12162-2009 pdf free download.Thermoplastics materials for pipes and fittings for pressure applications — Classification, designation and design coefficient
Matléres thermoplastiques pour tubes et raccords pour applications avec pression — Classification, designation et coefficient de calcul.
categorized required strength at temperature Oand time t
value of LpL. at temperature 8 and time i, rounded down to the next smaller value of the RiO series or the
R20 series
NOTE I CRS9 ,at 20 °C and 50 years equals MRS.
NOTE 2 Temperature, is expressed in degrees Celsius and time, i. is expressed in years. NOTE 3 The RiO series conforms to ISO 3111 and the R20 series conforms to ISO 497121,
design coefficient
coefficient with a value greater than 1, which takes into consideration service conditions as well as properties of the components of a piping system other than those represented in the lower confidence limit
NOTE I The minimum value of C, C, is defined and given for various thermoplastics pipe systems In Clause 6. NOTE 2 The design coefficient for a given application is specified in the relevant product (system) standard,
3.6 Design stress
design stress based on MRS classification
stress derived by dividing MRS by the design coefficient C, i.e. MRS/C
NOTE I The maximum allowable design stress for a given material is derived by dividing MRS by the minimum design coefficient. Cmin i.e. o = MRS!c,.
NOTE 2 Design stress for a specific application is specified in the relevant product (system) standard.
design stress based on CRS,,
os. £ i
stress derived by dividing CRSU, by the design coefficient C. i.e. o ,= CRS /C
NOTE I The maximum allowable design stress for a given material is derived by dividing CRS, by the minimum design coefficient, C’, i.e. g CRS /‘mm
NOTE 2 Design stress for a specific application is specified in the relevant product (system) standard.
4 MRS classification of materials in pipe form
A thermoplastics material shall be classified by its PL values at 20 °C and 50 years. rounded down to the next smaller value of the RiO serEes for c,,L < 10 MPa or to the next smaller value of the R20 series for
10 MPa. This constitutes the MRS.
The classification number for a thermoplastics material shall be 10 times the MRS (when expressed in megapascals) as indicated in Table 1.ISO 12162-2009 pdf free download.

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