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ISO 12217-3-2013 pdf free download

ISO 12217-3-2013 pdf free download.Small craft Stability and buoyancy assessment and categorization
Part 3:Boats of hull length less than 6 m
Petits navires — Evaluation et catégorisat ion de Ia stabilité et de Ia flottabilité — Partie 3: Bateaux d’une Iongueur de coque infOrleure a 6 m.
equals or exceeds that of the relevant test weight. Calculation of stability using a mass for the boat established by measurement may be used instead of a practical test. Testing shall be conducted in conditions of smooth water and light winds. Each boat shall be tested according to the offset-load test using either the simplified method in 6.5.2 or the full method in 6.5.3. The full method can be applied using either the physical test or the calculation method. The simplified method can only be applied by calculation.
If the mass in the light craft condition is less than 800 kg. the boat shall be also be tested according to the gunwale load test in 6.5.4.
NOTE The simplified method incorporates greater safety margins and is most suitable for boats with generous static stability in relation to the crew limit. e.g. those with a crew limit of less than one per metre length. All boats shall be tested in the maximum load condition, except that boats having any tank (fuel, fresh and black water, live wells, oils, etc.) that has a maximun transverse dimension greater than 0.35 BH shall be tested with all tanks as close as practicable to 50 % full, but never less than 25 % or more than 75 % full. Where application is by calculation, relevant tanks shall be assumed to be 50 % full and free-surface effect shall be represented either by a virtual increase in the VCG or by using a computer software that models the movement of fluid in tanks.
NOTE If tanks are linked by cross-connections that are kept open when the boat is in use, then the maximum transverse dimension of such tanks is measured between the extremes of the linked tanks. In general, boats shall be tested when heeled to both port and starboard. However, where it is clearly evident that one direction of heel is the most critical, only heel angles in this direction need be tested.
EXAMPLE Initial list and/or lower downflooding openings on one side and/or crew area clearly asymmetncal.
6.5,1.5 During the tests, on boats with watertight or quick-draining cockpits, water may enter the cockpit through drains when the boat is heeled during the test, provided that this water drains overboard when the centre of gravity of all test weights on board are moved to the centreline. Where water enters the boat during the test, the heel angle and downflooding height measurements shall be recorded after the inflow of water has stopped. During the tests, the freeboard margin (remaining vertical height from the waterline) shall be measured to the point at which water could first begin to enter the interior or bilge, When measuring the freeboard margin, downfloodirig openings through the topsides should also be considered. When making such measurements one outboard engine well penetration fitted with a sealing boot may be regarded as watertight. The crew area” comprises the ‘working deck” as defined by the manufacturer in accordance with ISO 15085 plus the areas of all seats, bunks, sunbathing pads, cabin soles and internal decks.ISO 12217-3-2013 pdf free download.

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