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ISO 12404-2011 pdf free download
ISO 12404-2011 pdf free download.Soil quality Guidance on the selection and application of screening methods
Qualité du sol — Lignes directrices pour Ia select ion et I’application des méthodes de diagnostic rapide.
8.3 ContInuous criteria
Periodically, monitoring of QA-acceptance criteria and an appropriate system-suitability check are carried out.
In the case of deviations from the QA-criteria, measures have to be taken and documented. Use of the method
may continue after recovering QA-criteria.
9 Quality assurance
In order to provide confidence in the results generated, the following factors should be considered and taken into account. Many of these factors also apply to laboratory reference methods.
a) All staff applying the screening methods shall be suitably trained. Details of the training shall be documented
b) Details of the screening method shall be fully documented and adhered to when carrying out the test, and be relevant to the particular application or site investigation being undertaken. This includes any sampling procedures, and subsequent sample preparation and/or pretreatment carried out. These details shall be available to the person undertaking the analysis using the screening method. The level of validation shall be documented to show the performance of the screening method for providing qualitative, semi- quantitative or quantitative data.
c) The type and number of quality control samples, that shall be analysed to demonstrate that the analysis remains under control, shall be fully documented together with the acceptable range of measurement. These control samples may depend upon the specific application of the screening method. e.g. whether a presence or absence test is being undertaken, or whether a concentration is being determined. Iri addition, the type of quality control samples, i.e. whether they comprise known standard solutions, certified reference matrix materials, blank solutions, etc., may depend on specific applications and their availability. The use of quality control charts should be used where possible. Where the analysis is not under control. the cause should be identified and remedial action taken and recorded. Applying control charts for a reference or control material provides good documentation of instruments’ performance.
d) The use and documentation of (certified) reference material measurements is important to demonstrate traceability. If no such material is available, appropriate samples can be prepared in a laboratory and used as control materials in the field. Only when the instrument characteristics are verified In the field, can the results of sample measurements be accepted. Measurements of quality control samples should be documented to ensure traceable results.
e) The organization performing the screening methods should participate in appropriate and relevant proficiency-testing schemes. However, it is recognized that some screening methods are not suitable for certain proficiency-testing schemes that operate mainly for laboratory reference methods.
f) A written procedure for the user of the method shall be available, regarding recalibration procedures, verification of analytical signals and results of reference materials. Only after the instrument meets the documented system-suitability checks, can the field measurements be processed. The stability (drift) of the instrument shall be checked using appropriate materials.ISO 12404-2011 pdf free download.
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