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ISO 12482-2014 pdf free download

ISO 12482-2014 pdf free download.Cranes — Monitoring for crane design working period
Apparells de levage a charge suspendue — Surveillance continue de la période d ‘activité de conception.
The classification and design basis in the older standards might not be according to the state of the art. In order to have a solid theoretical basis for the DWP calculation, the owner may ask the manufacturer or an expert engineer (see Iso 9927.1) to conduct a re-calculation in accordance with the applicable crane standards.
6 Special assessment
6.1 General
The special assessmentgocs into more detail and deals with critical components ofthe structure/hoisting mechanisms of the crane. The special assessment shall contain both
— a theoretical part, where the remaining DWP of each critical component of the crane is analysed based on the recorded, actual duty, and
— a practical part, where the crane is subjected to a major inspection in accordance with ISO 9927-1. Once it has reached the end of its design life, the crane may only be used after a general overhaul, based on a special assessment, has been carried out.
It should be recognized that the different components of the crane approach the design limits at different intervals, depending on the type of use and the configuration of the crane. These differences should be considered in the special assessment by selecting only the most critical components regarding the fatigue behaviour.
The theoretical analysis of the component’s remaining DWP does not have to rely on the methods of the original design standard, but state-of-the-art methods may be applied instead. The revised analysis should take into consideration the actual, measured work cycles and their true effect on fatigue of the components. Information on use should be provided by the crane owner/user.
The special assessment shall he carried out by an expert engineer (see ISO 9927-1).
6.2 Criteria for special assessment
A special assessment shall be made to survey the condition of the crane, when the assessment of DWP indicates that the crane duty will reach one of the design limits prior to the next periodic inspection, or one or more of the following indicates it should be done earlier:
— any increase In the frequency of reported failures;
— significant increase of the loads;
— when a periodic inspection reveals a significant deterioration in the condition of the crane, e.g. failed or damaged elements, increase in vibration or displacement characteristics, corrosion;
— a significant modification of the crane configuration that changes the initial selection of critical components.ISO 12482-2014 pdf free download.

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