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ISO 12655-2013 pdf free download

ISO 12655-2013 pdf free download.Energy performance of buildings — Presentation of measured energy use of buildings
Performance énergétique des bâtiments — Presentation de I ‘u tilisation énergétiq tie réelle des bâtiments.
5.2 Heat/cold reaching the building space (EB)
The heat/cold gained by the building space through HVAC system or domestic hot water system shall be heat/cold reaching the building space, denoted as E. It is irrelevant to the process of energy conversion in the technical systems of the building.
5.3 Energy delivered to the building’s technical system (ET)
The energy delivered to and used by the technical systems of the building (including energy conversion devices and transportation devices of the FIVAC system and domestic hot water system, lighting, household/office appliances and other devices in the building) shall be energy delivered to the building’s technical systems, denoted as ET.
NOTE 1 Sources of Er include the directly input fuel (such as coal, oil and gas), electricity and the energy provided by the district heating/cooling system (such as electricity, heat and cold energy), and the renewable energy produced on the building site.
NOTE 2 For space cooling, ET,C includes the energy used by energy conversion devices (such as chillers and heat pumps) and auxiliary devices (such as chilled water pumps, cooling water pumps and fans In cooling towers) when the cold energy is acquired from the building’s own technical system. if the cold energy is provided by the district cooling system, Er, refers to the input cold energy and the energy used by auxiliary devices within the building (such as chilled water pumps).
NOTE 3 For space heating or domestic hot water, ET,h or ET,hW includes the energy used by energy conversion devices (such as boilers and heat pumps) and auxiliary devices (such as hot water pumps, the water pumps and fans related to the heat pumps) when the heat Is acquired from the building’s own technical system, If the heat is provided by the district heating system, ET,h or ET,h refers to the Input heat and the energy used by auxiliary devices within the building (such as hot water pumps).
If the energy produced by the energy conversion devices (such as cogeneration units (CHPs). chillers, heat pumps and boilers) serve more than one technical system or building, ET of a certain technical system shall be shared according to its actual acquisition.ISO 12655-2013 pdf free download.

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