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ISO 12922-2012 pdf free download

ISO 12922-2012 pdf free download.Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) — Family H (Hydraulic systems) — Specifications for hydraulic fluids in categories HFAE, HFAS, HFB, HFC, HFDR and HFDU
Lubrifiants, huiles industnelles et praduits connexes (classe L) — Famille H (Systemes hydrauliques) — Specifications applicables aux fluides hydra uliques des categories HFAE. HFAS, HFB, HFC, HFDR et HFDU.
ISO 20783-2:2003. Petroleum and related products — Determination of emulsion stability of fire-resistant fluids — Part 2: Fluids in category HFB
ISO 20823:2003, Petroleum and related products — Determination of the flammability characteristics of fluids in contact with hot surfaces — Manifold ignition test
ISO 20843:2011, Petroleum and related products — Determination of pH of fire-resistant fluids within categories HFAE, HFAS and HFC
ISO 20844:2004, Petroleum and related products — Determination of the shear stability of polymer-containing oils using a diesel injector nozzle
EN 14832:2005, Petroleum and related products — Determination of the oxidation stability and corrosivity of tire-resistant phosphate ester fluids
EN 14833:2005, Petroleum and related products — Determination of the hydrolytic stability of fire-resistant phosphate ester fluids
3 Sampling
Sampling of hydraulic fluids for the purposes of this International Standard shall be carried out in accordance with the appropriate procedure described in ISO 3170. A representative sample shall be evaluated.
Any drum, barrel, tanker, compartment or any type of container delivered to the end user may be sampled and analysed at the request of the purchaser.
4 Requirements for fire-resistant hydraulic fluids and less-flammable hydraulic fluids
For the purposes of this International Standard. fluids shall be classified according to ISO 6743-4. Guidelines for their selection and use can be found in ISO 7745 and CEN!TR 14489. The latter also includes information on health and safety requirements.
Where applicable and when tested in accordance with the specified methods, fluids shall meet the limit values indicated in Table 1 (HFAE and HFAS fluids), Table 2 (HFB and HFC fluids) and Table 3 (HFDR and HFDU fluids). It should be noted that a significant variation exists In the level of fire resistance displayed by the different fluid types.
The majority of test methods specified within Tables 1 to 3 contain a statement of precision (repeatability and reproducibility). ISO 4259. which covers the use of precision data in the interpretation of test results, shall be used in cases of dispute.ISO 12922-2012 pdf free download.

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