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ISO 13095-2014 pdf free download

ISO 13095-2014 pdf free download.Surface Chemical Analysis — Atomic force microscopy — Procedure for in situ characterization of AFM probe shank profile used for nanostructure measurement
Analyse chi,nique des surfaces — Microsco pie a balayage de sonde— Procedure pour ía caractérisation in situ des sondes AFM utilisées pour mesurer Ia nanostructure.
5.3 Requirements of AFM and AFM imaging
The x-,y-, and z-axes of the AFM shall be calibrated for their orthogonality and for the measurement of length scales to the accuracy required by the user.IZI The accuracy level should be considered carefully since this may limit the accuracy with which the probe shape may be defined. The topographic image and error-signal image shall both be measured and displayed synchronously for monitoring and optimization of the feedback parameters. The scan length along both x andy-axes should be set to cover the necessary structures of the reference material. If a closed-loop scanning system is used, the position noise/lateral noise ratio should be considered to determine the desired resolution. The pixel size should be chosen so that it is consistent with the desired resolution of<1 nm.
EXAMPLE For a raster width of 1 000 nm, 2 000 pixels per line scan should be used.
At least 10 raster lines shall be measured. The scan rate and other feedback parameters for imaging shall be optimized to achieve an amplitude error-signal of <1 nm. Other control parameters should be set to values similar to those that will be used for the actual measurements of the sample of interest, If possible. Other experimental conditions shall be adjusted by following the instrument manual or other documented and validated procedures. Such conditions include the alignment of the laser and detectors, initialization of other hardware, and adjustment of the excitation frequency (for dynamic mode operation). After setting up the AFM, check the thermal drift in the image. If the thermal drift remains, see ISO 11039.111 The imaging mode of the AFM, such as contact mode, intermittent contact mode (AM-mode), and others, shall be set to obtain the topographic and error signal images. A common procedure for setting up the AFM is to adjust the setpoint such that the forward and backward profiles of the probe match. However, a difference between the PSC and EPSC may remain. In AM mode, by increasing the free oscillation amplitude, decreasing the operating amplitude (low setpoint), or both, the difference between PSC and EPSC may be minimized. However, tip-wear increases when high amplitudes and high setpoints are used. For reducing tip wear, the phase contrast should be maintained at low levels, without abrupt phase jumps and apparent topographic jumps. If the difference between PSC and EPSC is reduced, the free oscillation amplitude and setpoints should be adjusted to realize the maximum apparent depth of the trenches. Another method to reduce the difference between PSC and EPSC is to use an operating mode that is controlled by cantilever deflection, such as contact mode or peak force mode. If static contact mode Is used, then it is recommended to use hopping scanning mode (a scanning mode in which, at each pixel, the surface is approached with the probe to a setpoint. then the height of the probe is recorded at this point and the probe is retracted1I). ISO 13095-2014 pdf free download.

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