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ISO 13307-2013 pdf free download
ISO 13307-2013 pdf free download.Microbiology of food and animal feed — Primary production stage — Sampling techniques
Microbiologie des aliments — Stade de production primaire — Techniques de prélèvement.
6.1.1 General. Non-disposable sampling equipment should be sterilized before use, e.g. by moist heat (autoclave) or dry heat (oven), according to ISO 7218. In certain situations, chemical decontamination may be appropriate. After such treatment, the equipment should be clean, stenle and free of inhibitory substances. lithe equipment needs to be reused while taking samples, sterilization shall be done preferably by flaming (see 6.1.10) or with 70 % volume fraction ethanol or with any other appropriate disinfectant (refer to ISO 7218). Sealed packs containing multiple plastics disposable equipment (e.g. gloves. overboots, plastics bags) are suitable for use during sampling of products from the primary production stage. On each sampling occasion (e.g. each different farm), a fresh pack should be used. During sampling, every precaution shall be taken to avoid contamination of the unused disposable materials/equipment.
6.1.2 Gloves, disposable, single use, impervious, used during sampling to protect the sampler and to avoid cross-contamination. An alternative is to use plastics bags, inverted over the hand(s).
6.1.3 Overboots, strong clean plastics bags of appropriate size, or boot-shaped plastics covering made specifically to put over boots or shoes, used for two purposes: as biosecurity while visiting a farm to avoid introducing contamination; and to put over boots just before sampling with bootswabs (L.6).
6.1.4 Fabric swabs, normally large sterile portions of cloth, such as gauze, cellulose-based sponge, woven or non-woven fabric which are used to swab large surface areas.
6.1.5 Stick swabs, cotton-bud swabs and all swabs comprising small pieces of cotton or synthetic material fixed to the end of a wooden, metal or plastics stick. The swabs are often contained in sterile tubes which may contain medium such as Amies charcoal transport medium, The material used should be free of inhibitory substances unless these are specified for selecting the target igent.
6.1.6 Boot socks, also called bootswabs or sock swabs, adaptations of fabric swabs designed to be worn over the feet so that samplers can take the swabs while walking around doing other things. Boot socks used shall be sufficiently absorbent to soak up the moisture. They can be made from tubular elastic bandage material, which is cut into suitable lengths and pulled over the shoes or boots. Alternatively. commercial fabric overshoes (avoiding those with plastics soles) or other suitable and sterile material which covers the sole of the foot can be used, such as sterile fabric mob-caps (hair covers). In order to avoid possible contamination from the sampler’s footwear, the boot socks should be put on, over new plastics overboots (6.1.3), after entering the area to be sampled.
6.1.7 Drag swabs, mostly used in the poultry industry comprise a battery of four large moistened cloths (e.g. absorbent pads without antimicrobial substances) attached to a bar which is dragged over litter or slatted areas or pits containing faecal droppings. Small sponge drag swabs are also available commercially, but have a limited surface area compared to the original design.ISO 13307-2013 pdf free download.
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