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ISO 13424-2013 pdf free download

ISO 13424-2013 pdf free download.Surface chemical analysis X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Reporting of results of thin-film analysis
Analyse chimique des surfaces — Spectrosco pie de photoelectrons X— Rapport des résultats de l’analyse deflims minces.
XPS is typically performed with laboratory instruments that are often equipped with monochromated Al Ka or non-monochromated Al or Mg Ka X-ray sources. For some applications, XPS with X-rays from synchrotron-radiation sources is valuable because the energy of the X-ray exciting the sample can be varied. XPS with Ag X-rays is also used to observe deeper regions compared to excitation with Al X-rays. In some cases, X-ray energies less than the Mg or Al Ka X-ray energies can be selected to gain enhanced surface sensitivity while in other cases, higher energies are chosen to gain greater bulk sensitivity and to avoid artefacts associated with the use of sputter-depth profiling.
Analysts should be aware of possible artefacts in XPS analyses. These artefacts include sample degradation during X-ray irradiation, reactions of the sample with gases in the ambient vacuum, and many effects that can occur during sputtering-depth profiling.13i
5.2 General XPS
Fora uniform thin film on a flatsubstrate, the film thicknesscan be determined from a ratioofa photoelectron peak intensity of an element in the substrate for a particular emission angle when an overlayer film is present to the corresponding intensity when the film is absent. Alternatively, the thickness can be obtained from a ratio of photoelectron peak intensity for an element in the film to the corresponding intensity for a thick film (i.e. a film with a thickness much greater than three times the MED), The composition of the film can be determined by the RSF method. Additional information is in Annex A.
For multiple thin-film analysis, it is important to determine the relative order of the layers above the substrate. We can estimate the layer order, thicknesses, and compositions by measuring the changes of peak- intensity ratios of components at two widely separated emission angles. Further details are in AnnexA.
5.3 AngIe-resolved XPS
Angle-resolved XPS (ARX PS)141 can be utilized to determine composition as a function of depth for depths up to three times the largest MED of the detected electrons. The composition can be found for each film of a multilayer film on a substrate or the distribution of composition with depth can be determined for samples with no phase boundaries. For the former type of sample, film thicknesses can be estimated. Further details are in Annex B.
5.4 Peak-shape analysis
Peak-shape analysis,[J the analysis of a photoelectron peak and its associated region of inelastically scattered electrons, can be utilized to determine composition as a function of depth for depths up to three times the largest MED of the detected electrons. The analyst can know the expected morphology of the sample (i.e. the distribution of composition with depth) or can often deduce the likely morphology from peak-shape analysis. Further details are in Annex C.ISO 13424-2013 pdf free download.

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