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ISO 13643-2-2013 pdf free download

ISO 13643-2-2013 pdf free download.Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 2:
Turning and yaw checking
Navires et tech nologie maritime — Manoeuvres des navires — Partie 2: Giration et con trôle de lacet.
These data are used together with the test parameters initial speed, initial heading, true wind velocity and direction, direction of turn, and the thruster power to assess the turning capability of the ship, e.g. in form of Figures 3 and 4.
8.7 Designation of a thruster turning test
Designation of a thruster turning test according to ISO 13643, Part 2 (2) Test 3 (3), carried out at zero speed (Z) and ahead speed (A), but not the optional test for astern speed (0):
Thruster turning test Iso 13643 – 2.3 x z + A
Designation of a thruster turning test according to ISO 13643, Part 2 (2) Test 3 (3), carried out at astern speed:
Thruster turning test ISO 13643 – 2.3 x 0
9 Test 2.4 — Zig-zag test
9.1 General
In addition to the general test conditions outlined in ISO 13643-1 and Clause 5. the following conditions shall be complied with:
— The ship approaches at a constant speed, Vo. During the test, the setting of the propulsion plant remains unaltered.
— During the approach to the test, the ship is going straight ahead at a steady speed without significant applications of a manoeuvring device for at least two minutes. For ships unstable in yaw, realistic minimum manoeuvring device settings should be used during the approach. It is important that during the approach, the ship has as little yaw velocity as possible. To startthe test, the manoeuvring devices are applied to S to the specified test manoeuvring device angle, 8R1. as fast as possible ( = 0). This angle is kept until the ship’s heading, ‘p. has changed from the initial heading. ‘po, by the execute heading angle, IIII’E, to the heading. ‘pEl. At this moment, the manoeuvring devices are applied to Lhe same angle, oR1, in the opposite direction at maximum rate and kept there. The ship continues to turn in the current direction (5) with decreasing rate of turn. ISO 13643-2-2013 pdf free download.

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