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ISO 13643-5-2013 pdf free download
ISO 13643-5-2013 pdf free download.Ships and marine technology — Manoeuvring of ships — Part 5:
Submarine specials
Navires et tech nologie maritime — Manoeuvres des navires — Partie 5: Spécificités des sous-marins.
8.1.1 Modeltest(M)
Moments and forces are measured at the supporting structure and recorded for the submerged submarine model, preferably initially on even keel when at a standstill with the stabilizing fins and stern planes set to ösx = 0 and ös = 0 (Initial condition). Now the submarine model Is accelerated to a test speed V0 at which the bottom and surface effects are still negligible. Then, the changes of the vertical force and the trim moment relative to the initial condition are measured and recorded.
In successive test steps with other trims, the initial condition at standstill is to be determined again.
The angles of the stabilizing fins and the stern plane, as well as the trim angles or bow plane angles, have to be varied in suitable increments (furl nstance, trim angle increments of 0,5°. stabilizing fin/hydroplane angle increments of 1°). For stern planes with fixed post and movable part, it is recommended to set both to the same angle (ösx = 6s). The angles have to be selected so as to provide positive and negative values for the quantities of the vertical force and the trim moment when one parameter is maintained (trim angle or hydroplane angle) so that the zero value may be interpolated for evaluation purposes.
The angle of the stabilizing fin and/or fixed post of stern planes derived from the model tests according to 821 serves as input forthe detailed design. The trim angle and/or hydroplane angles at which the submarine is assumed to maintain a constant dived depth at all speeds should be ascertained by full-scale tests.
8.1.2 Full-scale test (S) General
A submerged cruising condition is to be found at which not only the total force and the total moment but also the difference between weight and buoyancy and the static trim moment are zero. At relatively high speeds, the difference between weight and buoyancy and the static trim moment have almost no influence on the dynamic behaviour of the boat. Therefore, the neutral level flight condition can be determined comparatively simply by extrapolation. Submarines with retractable bow planes
The submerged submarine is compensated at a speed of about twice the critical speed, VCR (see C1aue9), by use of the trimming and compensating systems, so that depth keeping is possible with retracted bow planes at a stern plane angle between ± 1,50 and a trim angle between —1° and 00. The actual quantity and the centre of gravity of compensating water have to be measured and recorded.
After that, the submarine shall be kept on a constant dived depth by use of the stern planes. Approaches at test speeds, Vo’, of about 50 %, 60 %, 65 %, 75 %, and 90 % of the maximum speed are conducted successively. These test speeds, V01, are selected such that an almost even distribution of test stern plane angles. 6, and trim angles, 9, is obtained when plotted as a function of the inverse square of the test speed, Vo. The test speed, V01, the related stern plane angle, ös. and the resulting trim angle, 8s shall he recorded.ISO 13643-5-2013 pdf free download.
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