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ISO 137-2015 pdf free download

ISO 137-2015 pdf free download.Wool — Determination of fibre diameter — Projection microscope method
Lame — Determination du diamétre des fibres — Méthode du microscope a projection.
6.1.1 Proceed in the following manner in accordance with ISO 1130:1975.6.2.
Divide the mass of the total sample into roughly 40 zones and take a handful of fibres from each zone. Divide each handful into two (taking care to avoid breaking the fibres) and reject one-half, choosing the half to be rejected at random. If the fibres are parallel, make the division into two longitudinally, i.e. in a direction which avoids selection of fibres by their ends. Divide the retained half into two and again reject half at random. Continue in this way until 50 g of fibre remains.
6.1.2 Submit the reduced sample to a washing treatment consisting of two extractions in petroleum ether. Dry the sample and condition it in the standard atmosphere for conditioning given in ISO 139.
6.2 Slivers, rovings and yarns
6.2.1 From the total sample, which shall be as representative as possible of the bulk, take a sufficient quantity of material to fill the slot of the microtome to a sufficient depth. Long fibres are generally thick fibres, and consequently any manipulation resulting in selection of long fibres will lead to a greater diameter than mean diameter.
6.2.2 Condition the test specimen thus obtained in the standard atmosphere for conditioning given in
ISO 139.
6.3 Cutting of snippets
6.3.1 Using a fIbre holder and pusher
With the fibres in the slot G (as specified in 5.3), Insert the part H so that the tongue compresses the fibres firmly in the slot. To ensure satisfactory retention of the fibres, the length of the tongue should be suitably adjusted, then locked by means of the screw.
Then, using a sharp razor blade or scalpel, cut off the projecting tuft of fibres flush on both sides of the holder.
Insert the 0,8 mm pusher in the slot and slide it backwards and forwards so as to cause a fringe of fibres to project from the opposite side of the holder. With a razor blade, cut off this fringe of fibres flush with the surface of the holder, and mount as described in ,4.
6.3.2 Using a microtome
With the fibres in the slot of the microtome, insert the tongued slide to retain them firmly. Using a sharp razor blade, cut off the surplus fibre from each side of the microtome plate.ISO 137-2015 pdf free download.

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