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ISO 13767-2012 pdf free download

ISO 13767-2012 pdf free download.Ships and marine technology Ship’s mooring and towing fittings Shipside roller fairleads
Navires et technologie maritime — Corps-morts et ferrures de remorquage de navires — Chaumards a rouleaux a qual.
4 Classification
4.1 Type
Depending on the construction, roiier tairieads snail oe classmea as me toliowing two types:
— 2-roller type;
— 3-roller type.
4.2 Nominal sizes
The nominal sizes, Di,, of roller fairieads are denoted by reference to the outside diameter of the roller, in millimetres, from a basic series of preferred numbers.
The nominal sizes are: 150, 200, 250, 300. 350, 400, 450 and 500.
5 Dimensions
Roller fairleads have dimensions and particulars in accordance with Tables 1 and 2, and Figures 1 and 2.
The following material shall be used for manufacturing the roller fairleads:
— Seat: weldable steel plates having a yield point of not less than 235 N/mm2.
7 Manufacturing and inspection
7.1 All surfaces of the roller fairleads, including welding, shall be free from any visible flaws or imperfections.
7.2 All surfaces in contact with the ropes shall be free from surface roughness or irregularities likely to cause damage to the ropes by abrasion.
7.3 The roller fairleads shall be coated externally with an anti-corrosion protective finish.
8 MarkIng
8.1 The safe working load (SWL) intended for the use of the roller fairleads shall be noted In the towing and mooring plan available on board for the guidance of the shipmaster as specified in MSC/Circ.1175.
8.2 The actual SWL on board shall be determined by considering the under deck reinforcement, and it shall be marked on the towing and mooring plan. The actual SWL shall not be over the SWL indicated in this International Standard.
8.3 The shipside roller fairleads shall be clearly marked with its SWL by weld bead or equivalent. The SWL shall be expressed in tonnes (letter ‘t’) and be placed so that it is not obscured during operation of the fitting.
A.2.3 A single load was considered for the 2-roller type and simultaneous loadings were considered for the 3-roller type roller fairleads.
A.3 Load and stress criterion
Under the SWL, the following stress criterion was adopted:
— The combined stress is limited to 85 % of the yield stress of the material.
A.4 Wear-down allowances and corrosion additions
The wear-down margin and corrosion margin were already included in the safety factor.ISO 13767-2012 pdf free download.

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