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ISO 13934-2-2014 pdf free download

ISO 13934-2-2014 pdf free download.Textiles Tensile properties of fabrics Part 2:Determination of maximum force using the grab method
Textiles — Pro priétés des étoffes en traction — Partie 2: Determination de Ia force maximale par la méthode d’arrachement (Grab test).
6.1.5 The machine shall be capable of setting the gauge length to 100 mm or, if agreed, to 75 mm, to within ±1 mm.
6.1.6 The clamping device of the machine shall be positioned with the central point of the two jaws in the line of applied force, the front edges shall be at right angles to the line of applied force and their clamping faces shall be in the same plane.
The jaws shall be capable of holding the test specimen without allowing it to slip and designed so that they do not cut or otherwise weaken the test specimen.
The faces of the jaws shall be smooth and flat, except that when, even with packing, the test specimen cannot be held satisfactorily with flat-faced jaws, engraved or corrugated jaws can be used to prevent slippage. Other auxiliary materials for use with either smooth or corrugated jaws to improve specimen gripping include paper, leather, plastics, or rubber.
For the grab test, the dimensional clamping area of the fabric shall be 25 mm ± 1 mm x 25 mm ± 1 mm. This area can be achieved by either method a) or method b) described below and illustrated in Annex C.
a) One clamp, 25 mm x 40 mm minimum, preferably 50 mm, positioned with the wider direction of the clamp perpendicular to the line of application of the force; a second clamp of the same dimensions positioned perpendicular to the first so that the wider direction of the clamp is parallel to the direction of application of the force.
b) One clamp, 25 mm x 40 mm minimum, preferably 50 mm, positioned with the wider direction of the clamp perpendicular to the line of application of the force; a second clamp, 25 mm x 25 mm.
6.2 Equipment, for cutting test specimens.
6.3 Equipment, in which test specimens can be immersed in water preparatory to wet testing.
6.4 Grade 3 water, in accordance with ISO 3696 for wetting test specimens.
6.5 Non-Ionic wetting agent.
7 Atmosphere for conditioning and testing
The atmosphere for preconditioning, conditioning, and testing shall be as specified in ISO 139.
It is recommended that samples be conditioned for at least 24 h in the relaxed state.
Preconditioning and conditioning are not required for tests in the wet condition.ISO 13934-2-2014 pdf free download.

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