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ISO 14291-2012 pdf free download

ISO 14291-2012 pdf free download.Vacuum gauges — Definitions and specifications for quadrupole mass spectrometers
ManomOtres a vide — Definitions ef specifications des spectromOtres de masse quadripolaires.
The mass resolution should be specified in ml:. In order to have comparable specifications, it is strongly recommended that the value at 5 % of the peak height be given over a specified mass range or at a m/. In addition, the mass resolution may be given at any other suitable percentage of the peak height (e.g. 50 %). Since mass resolution is normally adjustable, the best (lowest value) under the specific conditions shall be given.
5.5 Mass number stability
Mass number stability is the extent to which a position of a mass peak is stable within a specified time on mass
scale, It should be given for the main mass peak of Ar or for He.
5.6 Sensitivity
The sensitivity shall be provided at least for N2 and for the available detector or detectors in a pressure range to be specified and at a given mass resolution. The sensitivity shall be expressed in amperes per pascal. Other units are also allowed. The supplier shall describe the conditions such as pressure, emission current and temperature, and the settings to evaluate the sensitivity.
5.7 Linear response range
Minimum and maximum limit of the partial pressure over which the non-linearity is within a specified limit defined by manufacturer. The pressure range shall be expressed in pascals. Other units are also allowed.
The linear response range should be given at least for N2.
As the linear response range depends on many adjustable parameters, e.g. emission current, the parameters
should be specified.
5.8 Minimum detectable partial pressure
MDPP shall be provided for a specified gas and a detector. It shall be expressed in pascals. Other units are also allowed.
This quantity should be given for at least He, optionally also for Ar.
5.9 Minimum detectable concentration
MDC shall be provided for a specified gas mixture and a detector. The minimum detectable concentration can be determined from the measurement of minor constituents of the atmosphere, i.e. He, Ar, and Kr.
5.10 Maximum operational pressure
The maximum operational pressure shall be specified. Maximum operational pressure should be expressed in pascals, Other units are also allowed.ISO 14291-2012 pdf free download.

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