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ISO 14436-2010 pdf free download

ISO 14436-2010 pdf free download.Puips Standard tap water for drainability measurements Conductivity 40 mS/rn to 150 mS/rn
Pates — Eau du robinet normalisée pour mesurages de I’aptitude a I’égouttage — Conductivité comprise entre 40 mS/rn et 150 mS/rn.
NOTE In many locations having clean tap water, that water can be used for preparing the standard tap water.
5.2 MagnesIum sulfate, MgSO4, or magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, MgSO47H2O, of such a grade (pro-analysis. technical or punss) that the requirements regarding the trivalent ions given in 5.1 are met in the standard tap water after preparation.
6 Preparation of standard tap water
6.1 Requirements
The standard tap water shall have a conductivity of 40 mS/rn to 150 mS/rn. This can be achieved using a
magnesium sulfate concentration of c(MgSO4) = 0.5 g/l.
6.2 Stock solution
Prepare a stock solution. e.g. 100 g/l of MgSO4 (or 204 g/l of MgSO47H20), by dissolving a known amount of the magnesium sulfate (5.2) in a known amount of the water (5.1). The concentration of the solution may be chosen with regard to the procedure for preparation of the standard tap water as outlined in 6.3.
6.3 Standard tap water
From the stock solution (6.2), prepare the standard tap water, for example, by adding 5 ml of a 100 g/l stock solution per litre of water (5.1).
NOTE In laboratories where large volumes of standard tap water are used, it might be convenient to add the stock solution (6.2) by means of an automatic device. Such a device can be controlled using an on-line conductivity meter, in which case the actual concentration of magnesium sulfate is not critical.
6.4 Checking of the required conductivity
Using the procedure specified in ISO 6587. check the conductivity of the water produced In 6.3 to establish that it meets the requirements for standard tap water The conductivity shall be between 40 mS/rn and 150 mS/rn.
7 Reporting test results
When reporting test results [SR value (Schopper-Riegler value), CSF value (Canadian-Standard-Freeness value) and/or WRV (Water Retention Value)) obtained from pulp suspensions prepared using standard tap water, state clearly that standard tap water in accordance with ISO 14436 has been used.ISO 14436-2010 pdf free download.

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