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ISO 14577-1-2015 pdf free download
ISO 14577-1-2015 pdf free download.Metallic materials Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters Part 1:Test method
Matérlaux métalliques — Essai de pénétration instrumenté pour Ia determination de Ia dureté et de paramètres des matériaux — Partie 1: Méthode d’essai.
6.1 The test shall be carried out on a region of the test surface that allows the determination of the force/indentation depth curve for the respective indentation range within the required uncertainty. The contact area shall be free of fluids or lubricants except where this is essential for the performance of the test, in which case, this shall be described in detail in the test report. Care shall be taken that extraneous matter (e.g. dust particles) is not incorporated into the contact.
Generally, provided the surface is free from obvious surface contamination, cleaning procedures should
be avoided. If cleaning Is required, It shall be limited to the following methods to minimize damage:
— application of a dry, oil-free, filtered gas stream;
— application of a subliming particle stream of CO2 (but keeping the surface temperature above the dew point);
— rinsing with a solvent (which is chemically inert to the test piece) and then setting it to dry.
If these methods fail and the surface Is sufficiently robust, wipe the surface with a lint-free tissue soaked in solvent to remove trapped dust particles, after which, the surface shall be rinsed in a solvent as above. Ultrasonic methods are known to create or increase damage to surfaces and coatings and should only be used with caution.
For an explanation concerning the influence of the test piece roughness on the uncertainty of the results. see Annex E. Surface finish has a significant influence on the test results.
The test surfaces shall be normal to the test force direction. It is recommended that the test surface tilt is less than 1°. Tilt should be included in the uncertainty calculation.
6.2 Preparation of the test surface shall be carried out in such a way that any alteration of the surface hardness and/or surface residual stress (e.g. due to heat or cold-working) is minimized.
Due to the small indentation depths in the micro and nano range1 special precautions shall be taken during the test piece preparation. A polishing process that is suitable for the particular materials shall be used.
6.3 The test piece thickness shall be large enough (or indentation depth small enough) such that the test result is not influenced by the test piece support. The test piece thickness should be at least 10 x the indentation depth or 3 x the indentation diameter (see 2.2). whichever is greater.
When testing coatings, the coating thickness should be considered as the test piece thickness. For testing coatings, see ISO 14577-4.
NOTE The above are empirically based limits. The exact limits of influence of support on test piece depend on the geometry of the indenter used and the materials properties of the test piece and support.ISO 14577-1-2015 pdf free download.
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