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ISO 14857-2014 pdf free download

ISO 14857-2014 pdf free download.Thermal performance in the built environment — Determination of air permeance of building materials
Performance thermique en environnement bâti — Determination de ía perméance a l’air des maté riaux de construction.
Cut and remove all excess air impermeable material from Inside the self-adhesive gasket material, leaving an opening to the test specimen of 1 m x 1 m.
Install the test specimen assembly onto the compression frame attached to the test chamber with the air impermeable material facing up as shown in Figure 4.
Install the second compression frame over the test specimen assembly and clamp into place using three clamping devices on each side of the test apparatus.
View the installed test specimen through the observation panels and confirm that it has been properly installed.
8.1.2 Non-self-supporting materials
The procedure for non-self-supporting material shall be the same as above with the addition of a rigid support. An open grill or wire mesh/screen with a square grid of a minimum of 25 mm x 25 mm opening (or equivalent means of support) shall be used. The wire mesh/screen shall be welded or otherwise mechanically supported to a solid metal frame.
Remove the protective paper from one side of the self-adhered, medium-density gasket strip and install onto the edges of the test specimen in a manner that the area inside the strips is 1 m x 1 m. Fuse or glue the corners. Install a second strip of medium-density gasket material outside the first strip and fuse or glue the corners.
Remove the protective paper on the top side of the self-adhered gasket material and install the test specimen with the gasket material side down onto the centre of the open grill or wire mesh/screen. Ensure that the gasket strip is adhered to the open grill or wire mesh/screen.
On the top side of the open grill or wire mesh/screen, remove the protective paper from self-adhered gasket material and install onto the edges of the open grill or wire mesh/screen in a manner that the area inside the strips is 1 m x 1 m and that the gasket is positioned over the gasket strip on the other side of the open grill or wire mesh/screen. Fuse or glue the corners, Install a second strip of self-adhesive gasket material outside the first strip and over gasket material on the other side of the open grill or wire mesh/screen. Fuse or glue the corners.
Cut the air impermeable material as shown in Eigure2.
Wrap the air impermeable material over the edges of the test specimen as shown in Figure 3 and press into the self-adhering, medium-density gasket strips. Tape the joints with construction tape.
Cut and remove all excess air impermeable material from inside the self-adhesive gasket material, leaving an opening to the test specimen of I m x 1 m.
Install the test specimen assembly onto the compression frame attached to the test chamber with the air impermeable material facing up as shown in Figure 5.ISO 14857-2014 pdf free download.

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