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ISO 14916-2017 pdf free download
ISO 14916-2017 pdf free download.Thermal spraying Determination of tensile adhesive strength
Projection therm ique — Mesure de l’adhérence par essais de traction.
6.5.1 MachIning of the coated substrate block (or test disc) and preparation for bonding
When preparing the specimens, care shall be taken that coating thickness is consistent across the specimen’s front face. The resulting surface shall be at right angles to the axis of the specimen. Coating and its adhesion to the surface shall not be affected by machining operations. ISO 14924 provides adequate instructions for post-treatment of thermally sprayed coatings.
The surface of the coating shall be cleaned appropriately to fulfil the gluing requirements. The thread hole shall be cleaned carefully as well, e.g. by blowing in a stream of compressed air followed by degreasing. Impurities. i.e. swarf, oil, or residues of cooling media from previous operations, shall not be permitted to remain on the blocks. The instructions of the bonding agent supplier shall be followed.
6.5.2 Gluing the specimen
Subsequent to the preparation of the coating surface, the loading block will be glued to the thermally sprayed coating (speciiiwn A) or to the coated side of the test disc (specimen B) which itself shall be glued to the other loading block, If specimen B is used, consideration should be given to the blasting of the rear face and the mating surfaces of both loading blocks to ensure adequate adhesive bonding. The need for blasting also applies to the face of the one loading block used for specimen A.
For the gluing process and hardening of the bonding agent, the instructions provided by the supplier of the bonding agent shall be followed. An adequate fixture, i.e. according to FigureLL shall be applied to ensure correct positioning of the substrate and loading block and test disc for the specimen form B. The axes of all parts of the test specimen shall be coaxial and the outer surfaces of all parts shall be parallel.
During the application of bonding agent, the clamping device shall be set in such a way that the specimen remains in the vertical position and can be loaded vertically with a constant load during the entire gluing and hardening cycle. A constant amount of load shall be maintained during cooling down of the specimens in the oven (if applicable).
In case of oven hardening, in order to avoid additional residual stresses, all the specimens shall remain in the oven during the cooling cycle until a temperature of 40°C is reached at the centre of the oven. The instructions provided by the supplier of the bonding agent shall be followed.
All the details of the test specimen preparation shall be an integral part of the test report.
The diameter of the bonding agent foil or the mass of the liquid bonding agent is to be selected so that a clearly visible bulge of bonding agent around the joint is created after hardening. The surfaces of the faces to be glued shall be entirely wetted by bonding agent.
After completion of hardening, the specimens shall be checked for concentricity and parallelism. The parallelism gauge shown in Figure B.3 can assist with this.ISO 14916-2017 pdf free download.
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