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ISO 1524-2013 pdf free download
ISO 1524-2013 pdf free download.Paints, varnishes and printing inks — Determination of fineness of grind
Peintures, vernis et encres d’imprimerie — Determination de Ia finesse de broyage.
6.4 Grasp the scraper (4.2) between the thumbs and fingers of both hands and place It edgewise in contact with the surface of the gauge at the extreme deep end of the groove, with the length of the scraper parallel to the width of the gauge. While holding the scraper perpendicular to the surface of the gauge and at right angles to the length of the groove, draw it at a uniform rate over the surface of the gauge to a point beyond the zero depth of the groove in 1 s to 2 s. In the case of lithographic inks, or fluids of similar consistency, the time required to draw the scraper over the length of the groove shall he not less than Ss, in order to avoid too low a result. Apply suulicient downward pressure on the scraper to ensure that the groove is tilled with the sample and that any surplus is removed.
6.5 As quickly as possible (within seconds) after the completion of the drawdown, and while the paint is still wet, view the gauge from the side in such a manner that the line of vision is at right angles to the long dimension of the groove and at an angle of not more than 300 nor less than 200 to the surface of the gauge while it is in a light that will make the pattern of the sample in the groove readily visible.
If the flow behaviour of the sample is such that a smooth pattern is not obtainable after drawdown, a minimal quantity of an appropriate thinner or binder solution may be added to the sample by hand stirring, and the test repeated. Any dilution shall be stated in the test report. In some instances, the dilution of the sample might lead to flocculation and the fineness of grind might be affected.
6.6 Observe the point where the product first shows a predominately speckled appearance, that is, where a 3 mm wide band across the groove contains five to ten particles (see Figure 3). Disregard any scattered specks that might appear prior to the point where the predominately speckled appearance begins. Estimate the position of the upper limit of the band to the nearest
— 5 pm for the 100 pm gauge;
— 2 pm for the 50 pm gauge;
— 1 pm for the 25 pm gauge.
6.7 Clean the gauge and scraper carefully with a suitable solvent immediately after each reading.
7 Expression of results
Calculate the mean of the three determinations and record the result to the same accuracy as the original readings (see 6.6).
8 Precision
8.1 Repeatability limit, r.ISO 1524-2013 pdf free download.
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