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ISO 15421-2010 pdf free download

ISO 15421-2010 pdf free download.Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Bar code master test specifications
Technologies de I’informafion — Techniques automatiques didentiflcation et de capture des données — Specifications pour essal de base des codes a barres.
— 0,01 per cent per 1 °C change in temperature.
Dimensional stability requirements shall be satisfied within the temperature range of 0 °C to 60 °C and the relative humidity range of 10 % to 70 %.
Samples shall be measured as specified in 6.1 and at the specified temperature and relative humidity.
5.1.2 Archival properties
For optimum life, a bar code master (produced on photographic film) shall be properly stored and used in
controlled conditions which are in accordance with ISO 18911.
5.2 Physical requirements controlled by the manufacturing process
5.2.1 Target bar width
When measured according to the methods described in Clause 6, the width of each element of the bar code
master shall equal the target width for that element, subject to the tolerances defined in 5.3.
5.2.2 Bar width adjustment
Bar width adjustment shall be applied uniformly and symmetrically to every bar throughout the symbol. NOTE In consequence, where bar width increase is apphed, the widths of spaces will also be reduced by an equal
amount, and vice versa.
5.3 Tolerances
The achieved bar widths measured according to the methods of Clause 6 shall be compared with the target bar widths of the symbology.
5.3.1 Tolerance A – all symbologies
The achieved bar width difference of a symbol shall be <± 0,008 mm.
The achieved bar width difference of the symbol shall be determined by the method specified in 6.1.2.
5.3.2 Tolerance B – two width symbologies
The achieved width of individual bars and spaces in a symbol shall be subject to Tolerance B.
Tolerance B equals ±4 % times the nominal X-dimension of the symbol for symbols with X-dimension less than 0,5 mm.
5.7 Corner marks
When the bar code master is supplied as a discrete component, corner marks shall be applied to indicate the minimum area required for the bar code symbol, including quiet zones. This area shall not be encroached on by other design detail,
5.8 Optical densities
5.8.1 Minimum density, 0man
The optical density values of low density areas shall not exceed that given in Table 1 v).
5.8.2 Maximum density, °max
The optical density values of high density areas shall not be less than that given in Table 1 vi).
5.9 Orientation
The orientation of a film-based bar code master shall be specified as emulsion up or emiilsion down.
5.10 Polarity
The polarity of a bar code master shall be specified as positive or negative.
5.11 Encodation
For a bar code master, the image shall be composed by a method which ensures that the encodation rules of the symbology specification are followed.
Where an application specification requires that data be modified before encodation in the bar code master, the logical rules defined by the application specification shall be implemented for this procedure.
5.12 Human readable interpretation
The human readab’e interpretation of the data encoded in the bar code master shall conform to the requirements of the symbology or application specification to which it is manufactured.ISO 15421-2010 pdf free download.

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