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ISO 15500-2-2012 pdf free download

ISO 15500-2-2012 pdf free download.Road vehicles — Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components — Part 2:Performance and general test methods
Véhicules routiers — Composants des systèmes de combustible gaz nature! comprimé (GNC) — Partie 2: Performances et méthodes dessai générales.
Components with moving parts shall remain undamaged and shall continue to operate and meet the requirements of their leakage tests and hydrostatic strength test after the vibration test has been carried out in accordance with the following test procedure.
Vibrate the component for 30 mm, pressurized to its working pressure with dry air, nitrogen or natural gas, and sealed at both ends, along each of the three orthogonal axes at the most severe resonant frequency determined as follows:
— by an acceleration of 1.5 g;
— within a sinusoidal frequency range of 10 Hz to 500 Hz;
— with a sweep time of 10 mm.
If the resonance frequency is not found in this range, the test shall be conducted at 500 Hz.
On completion of the test, the component shall not show any indication of fatigue or component damage, and
shall comply with the leakage test specified In Clause 6 and the hydrostatic strength test specified in Clause 5.
15 Brass material compatibility
All fuel-containing brass components or subcomponents, for which a satisfactory declaration of properties is not submitted by the applicant, shall be tested in accordance with the following procedure (component manufacturers able to provide documentation attesting to the field-worthiness of their products are exempted from this requirement).
a) Subject each test sample to the physical stresses normally imposed on, or within, a part as a result of its assembly with other components. Apply these stresses to the sample prior to testing and maintain them throughout the test. Samples with thread, intended to be used for installing the product in the field, shall have the threads engaged and tightened to the torque specified in the instruction manual of the sample or specified by the manufacturer. Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) tape or pipe compounds shall not be used on the threads.
b) Degrease three samples and expose them continuously for 10 d at a set position to a moist ammonia—air mixture, maintained in a glass chamber of approximately 30 I in capacity, with a glass cover. Aqueous ammonia having a specific gravity of 0,94 shall be maintained at the bottom of the glass chamber, below the samples, at a concentration of 21,2 mI/l of chamber volume. Maintain approximately 600 cm3 of aqueous ammonia, with a relative density (specific gravity) of 0,94, at the bottom of the glass chamber, below the samples. Position the samples 40 mm above the aqueous ammonia solution, supported by an inert tray. Maintain the moist ammonia—air mixture in the chamber at atmospheric pressure and at a temperature of
34°C±2 °C.
After being subjected to the conditions of this procedure, samples shall show no evidence of cracking when examined at a magnification of 25x.ISO 15500-2-2012 pdf free download.

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