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ISO 16055-2012 pdf free download

ISO 16055-2012 pdf free download.Tobacco and tobacco products Monitor test piece Requirements and use
Tabac etproduits du tabac — Eprouvette de contrôle — Exigences et utilisation.
result must be regarded as non-valid until further investigations have indicated their validity. Thus there is a risk of having to reject these results and having to repeat the analysis. To avoid the loss of large numbers of results, it is important to analyse the monitor test piece at intervals which are not too great”. It becomes a balance between analytical capacity and need for confirmation of consistency.
The procedure for the two types of smoking machine will be different but based, of course, upon the same principle: sequential smoking and confirmation of the validity of the smoking results.
The following procedure can be recommended:
For the rotary smoking machine: At the beginning of a series of smoking analyses, a smoking run and an analysis Is performed with the monitor test piece. At practical intervals (for example for each 10 to 15 smoke runs), this procedure should be repeated, ending the day with smoking of the monitor test piece.
For the linear smoking machine: At the beginning of a series of smoking analyses, the monitor test piece is smoked on a selection of channels (4 would normally fit into a smoking plan). During the daily smoking, this could be repeated at a practical frequency, with test pieces being smoked on 4 channels for every 2 or 3 smoke runs. To secure the best information, it is important that smoking of the monitor test piece is evenly distributed on all 20 channels over a period of time.
7.3 Practical use of control charts
The analysis values from smoking and analysis of monitor test pieces are plotted on the appropriate control charts (see Annex A and ISO 7870-1, ISO 7873 and ISO 8258) so that the results for average and for variation can be evaluated.
It is possible to use control charts where standard values are given, but also where the standard values are not given (see ISO 8258:1991, 4.1, 4.2 and Clause 12). This means that control charts can be constructed for the individual laboratory without knowledge of the official target values for the test piece, but the control chart can also be constructed with reference to target values.
The control charts may have both warning and action limits (see ISO 7873) or have only one set of control limits (see ISO 8258). Either kind of control chart can be used, but for the correct evaluation of the consistency of the analytical process it is very important that the rules for testing for assignable causes (see ISO 8258: 1991, Introduction and Clause 7) are followed.
It is a matter of choice whether to use control charts with or without target values combined with one set or two sets of control limits. It depends on the actual needs. It may be practical to combine the target values from the inter-laboratory testing with the results from the individual laboratory’s own routine check. On the other hand, this may be impractical for laboratories which have analytical averages which differ from the target values. In these cases, the consistency check will be affected by the obstruction of the control limits by the official target values, and it may he better to determine any difference between the local average and the official average by other statistical methods for differences between variances and between averages.ISO 16055-2012 pdf free download.

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