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ISO 1628-3-2010 pdf free download
ISO 1628-3-2010 pdf free download.Plastics Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers Part 3:Polyethylenes and polypropylenes
Plastiques — Determination de Ia viscositO des polym Ores en solution diluóe a I’aide de viscosimOtres a capillaires — Partie 3: PolyOthylOnes et polypropylOnes.
6 Test sample
6.1 The test sample shall be in the form of dry powder or very small pieces to facilitate dissolution.
6.2 If the sample is a manufactured article, cut it into very small pieces (for example by cutting and grinding in the presence of solid carbon dioxide). If the sample is in the form of granules, reduce the particle size by grinding in the same way.
Since the reduced viscosity of material from the surface of a manufactured article could differ from that from the interior, one can
— either measure the reduced viscosity for the whole article by grinding it, homogenizing the ground material, dissolving a portion and taking a test sample from the solution;
— or measure the reduced viscosities for the surface and the interior separately by cutting small pieces from the surface and from the interior, grinding and homogenizing them separately and testing a sample taken from each.
7 Procedure
7.1 Cleaning the viscometer
7.1.1 Before its utilization, or when inconsistent results are obtained, and in any case at regular intervals, clean the viscometer as specified in Annex A of ISO 1628-1:2009.
7.1.2 Between two successive determinations, clean the viscometer with the solvent being used for the determinations. During the cleaning procedure, maintain the viscometer, as well as the solvent, at 135 °C in thermostatic bath 5.3. Remove the solvent by suction and dry the viscometer with dust-free and oil-free air or nitrogen
7.2 Measurement of efflux time of solvent
Determine the efflux time of the solvent by the procedure given in 7.5 for the solution. Use the average value
of three consecutive readings agreeing to within 0,2 s in the calculation of the viscosity number
7.3 Choice of polymer solution concentration
7.3,1 The polymer concentration shall be such that the ratio between the solution efflux time i and the solvent efflux time , lies between 1,2 and 2,0.
7.3.2 If the approximate value of the reduced viscosity of the polymer is known, choose the concentration from Table 2.ISO 1628-3-2010 pdf free download.
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