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ISO 16343-2013 pdf free download

ISO 16343-2013 pdf free download.Energy performance of buildings Methods for expressing energy performance and for energy certification of buildings
Performance énergétique des bâtiments — Méthodes d’expression de Ia performance énergétique et de certification énergétique des bâtiments.
information on the actual conditions in the building is to be recorded (if any) and whether or not corrections shall be made to correct for deviating periods, weather, and/or indoor conditions.
d) OVERALL N UMERICALIN DICATOR: Specification of what the overall numerical indicator represents. as specified in L and specifically, which energy services are included and if renewable energy produced on site is part of delivered energy or not.
e) NORMALIZATION: Specification of how the overall numerical indicator is normalized, as specified in 6A.
f) ENERGY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS: Specification of how the energy performance requirements are expressed, as specified in 2.1. including the way requirements for buildings with different functions are defined, as specified in 7.2 the way the impact of certain parameters Is modified, as specified in 7,3. the way the requirements are expressed in case of renovations of and extensions to existing buildings, as specified in 7,4, and the specifications in case of the application of the notional (reference) building approach as described in AnnexE
g) REFERENCE VALUES: Specification of the definition of the reference values and the procedure to define the values, as specified in Clause 8. including the way the impact of certain parameters Is modified, as specified in al.
Ii) OTHER (COMPONENT) INFORMATION: Specification ofother information on the energy performance of main building and system components required on the certificate (if any).
i) ADDITIONAL INDICATORS: Specifications and assessment procedures on additional indicators required on the certificate (if any, see Li.).
j) RECOMMENDATIONS: Procedures to assess the recommendations for cost-effective improvements, as defined in . and for which applications these are required on the certificate.
k) ENERGY PERFORMANCE CLASSES OR SCALING: Setup and procedures to assess the energy performance class presented on a scale or other scaling (to be specified), as defined in 5S.
EXAMPLES Examples of energy certificate classes or other scaling options are given in Annex Ii
I) ADDITIONAL CONTENT: Specific additional content on the certificate to identify the characteristics of the building.
EXAMPLES Conditioned area, number of conditioned floors. year or period of construction, and year or period of the last ma;or refurbishment.
m) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Specification of any other additional information required on the certificate (if any).ISO 16343-2013 pdf free download.

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