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ISO 1680-2013 pdf free download

ISO 1680-2013 pdf free download.Acoustics Test code for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines
Acoustique — Code d’essai pour le mesurage du bruit aérien émis par les machines électriques tournantes.
5.2 Guidelines for the selection of the most appropriate basic standard
The usable basic standards are mainly distinguished by the following:
— different environmental conditions;
— different requirements with respect to the background noise levels related to the noise level of the machine under test;
— different grades of accuracy;
— different quantities to be measured: sound pressure or sound intensity.
NOTE I Detailed guidelines for the selection of the most appropriate basic standards arc given in ISO 3740.
The sound intensity measurement method has the following advantages as compared to the sound pressure measurement method.
a) Determination of the correct sound power is possible regardless of whether the measurement surface lies within or outside the near field.
b) Determination of the correct sound power is possible In the presence of noise fields where the sound pressure method gives results which are so wrong that they would no longer conform to sound pressure measurement standards.
c) It allows a better grade of accuracy for the sound power determination especially under the worst environmental conditions (and therefore allows determination of the sound power level of machines in the presence of noisy loading machines).
NOTE 2 Methods described in ISO/TS 7849141 allow that part of the radiated airborne sound power caused by the vibrating outer surface of the machine to be determined separately.
A description of the fields of application of the main basic standards is given in Tab1L supplemented by FigujJ. A more precise distinction of these standards is shown in Aiuiex.A.
5.3 Additional requirements
Each of the basic standards gives detailed and precise requirements for all acoustical aspects of the relevant measurement procedure, such as definition of the measurement surface, if any, microphone array, environmental adequacy, determination of environmental and background noise corrections, if relevant, together with requirements for instrumentation. These standards leave open precise definitions of mounting and operating conditions which shall be stated In the machinery-specific noise test code. These requirements are given in Clause 6.ISO 1680-2013 pdf free download.

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