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ISO 17088-2012 pdf free download

ISO 17088-2012 pdf free download.Specifications for compostable plastics Specifications pour les plastiques compostables.
6.1 General
6.1.1 In order to be identified as compostable, products and materials shall meet the requirements of 6.2,
6.3 and 6.4, using appropriate laboratory tests representative of the conditions found in aerobic composting fadhties. When testing finished arhcles and products, testing shall be conducted starting with the articles and products in the same form as they are intended to be used. For products and materials that are made in several different thicknesses or densities, such as films, containers and foams, only the thickest or most dense products and matenals need to be tested as long as the chemical composition and structure remains otherwise the same.
6.1.2 Test samples shall not be subjected to conditions or procedures designed to accelerate disintegration or biodegradation prior to testing as described in 6.2 or 6.3.
6.1,3 If the products or matenals under test include fillers, the Idlers shall be present when the products or materials are tested as described in 6.2. 6.3 and 6.4. However, their inorganic carbon content shall be excluded from the mineralization calculations in 6.3. Products or matenals to which fillers are subsequently added, or in which the filler content is changed, shall be retested to demonstrate that the new material meets the requirements of 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. Manufacturers may establish an acceptable range by testing the highest and the lowest concentrations. Examples of fillers indude (but are not limited to) calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide
6.1.4 Products or materials to which catalysts are subsequently added, or In which the content of the catalyst
Is changed, shall be retested to demonstrate that the new material meets the criteria specified in 6.2. 6.3 and
6,4, Manufacturers may establish an acceptable range by testing the highest and the lowest concentrations.
Examples of catalysts include (but are riot limited to) organo-metallic compounds such as metal carboxylates
and metal complexes.
6.2 Disintegration during composting
A plastic product is considered to have demonstrated satisfactory disintegration if, after 84 days in a controlled composting test, no more than 10 % of its original dry mass remains after sieving through a 2,0 mm sieve. The test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 16929, ISO 20200, ISO 14855-1 or ASTM D5338 under thermophilic composting conditions without the CO-trapping equipment.
6.3 Ultimate aerobic biodegradatIon
6.3.1 A plastic product is considered to have demonstrated a satisfactory rate and level of biodegradation If, when tested in accordance with ISO 14855-1 • ISO 14855-2 or ASTM 05338, it achieves the ratio of conversion to carbon dioxide (C02/ThCO2) specified in 6.3.2 within the time period specified in 6.3.3.
The ultimate aerobic biodegradability shall be determined for the whole material or for each organic constituent. For organic constituents which are present in the material at a concentration between 1 % and 10 % (by dry mass), the level of biodegradation shall be determined separately.ISO 17088-2012 pdf free download.

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