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ISO 17180-2013 pdf free download

ISO 17180-2013 pdf free download.Animal feeding stuffs Determination of lysine, methionine and threonine in commercial amino acid products and premixtures
Ailments des animaux — Determination de la teneur en lysine, méthionine et thréonine dans les acides aminés industriels et les prémélanges.
Weigh 0,45 g to 0,47 g lysineHCl, 0,29 g to 0,31 g threonine, 0,36 g to 0,38 g methionine. Transfer quantitatively with 0,1 mol/l HCI (31Q) into a 11 volumetric flask. Dissolve in about 900 ml of 0,1 mol/l HCI, while stirring with a magnetic stirrer() for 30 mm. Fill to volume with 0,1 rnol/I HCI and mix well.
Dilute and add norleucine solution (3.11.1), following the procedure specified in for the preparation of the calibration solution.
lithe sample solutions are not to be examined the same day, they shall be stored below 5 °C for not more than 3 days.
5.4,2 For premixes or impure amino acid trade products
Calculate the approximate mass of test portion (mtp premix) in grams based on the amino acid with lowest expected values (Wexp) as described in 5.3.2. Use for extraction a test portion amount to ensure that all amino acids peak areas are in the linear range of the calibration. Weigh in this amount and transfer quantitatively with 0,1 mol/l HCI (ilO) into a 11 volumetric flask. Dissolve in about 900 ml of 0,1 mol/l [Id, while stirring with a magnetic stirrer (45) nfor 30 mm. Fill to volume with 0,1 mol/l l-ICl and mix well. Dilute and add norleucine solution (3.11.1). following the procedure specified in for the preparation of the calibration solution.
lithe premix contains other amino acids with higher expected contents, dilutions using an aliqout of less than 1 ml of extract plus 2,5 ml norleucine may be prepared.
If the sample solutions are not to be examined the same day, they shall be stored below S °C for not more than 3 days.
5.5 Chromatography
Filter a suitable amount of the test solution through membrane filter unit (4k) into an auto sampler vial and inject into the analyser or HPLC system (4.W). The injection volume normally is 20 p1 to 50 p1.
The chromatographic system is required to separate the amino acids from each other and from any other components (e.g. ammonia, amines, peptides or amino sugars).
The analyte amino acids are required to he 100 % baseline separated from all other peaks that are eluted to avoid erroneous results caused by peak overlap. The chromatographic system is required to provide a linear response over the concentration range of the standard curve.
6 CalculatIon of results
6.1 Principle of the method and control of the calibration
Contents in samples are calculated using the result of the initial calibration solution (3.11.3). In order to check there is no drift, inject the calibration solution as quality control after every four test solutions.ISO 17180-2013 pdf free download.

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