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ISO 17223-2014 pdf free download

ISO 17223-2014 pdf free download.Plastics Determination of yellowness index and change in yellowness index
Plastiques — Determination de l’indice dejaunissement et dii changement de I’indice dejaunissement.
NOTE 1 When pouring the pellet or powder specimen into the specimen container, shake or lightly tap the specimen container and remove surplus specimen using a smooth device such as a spatula.
NOTE 2 A preliminary examination of pellet specimen was achieved, but precision was not mentioned in the method ofcolourimetry and geometry described in Cl E 15. It is supposed that the surface ofspecimen does not have high uniformity, depending on the shape and size of the pellet. It means it is difficult to compare measurements mutually. It Is necessary to treat It for a relative value.
No pressure from the opening of the container shall be added.
For calibration of the instrument, one of the following methods shall be used.
a) The working standard is put into the specimen container.
b) The working standard Is put on the glass that has the same quality and thickness as the specimen container.
5.5 Measurement requirements
5.5.1 Sheet, film, moulded plaque, or disc specimen
a) Clear specimen
Clear specimens shall be measured using 0:0, di:0, de:O, 0:di, or 0:de geometry for transmission. Patterned or matt specimens shall be measured using di:O, de:0, O:di, or 0:de geometry for transmission.
b) Translucent white specimen
Translucent white specimens shall be measured using di:8, de:8, 8:di, 8:de, 45a:0, 0:45a, 45x:0, or 0:45x geometry for reflection, or using di:0, de:0, 0:di, or 0:de geometry for transmission.
NOTE 1 The measured value of a translucent white specimen has relatively low reproducibility.
NOTE 2 In the case of the method with Integrating sphere, tristimulus values go down unless the specimen is adhered to an integrating sphere, and yellowness index changes.
NOTE 3 Optical geometries are described in CIE 15.
c) Opaque specimen
Opaque sheet or film specimens shall be measured using di:8, de:8, 8:dI, 8:de, 45a:O, O:45a, 45x:O, or
O:45x geometry for reflection.
5.5.2 Pellet or powder specimen
Pellet or powder specimens shall be measured using di:8, de:8, 8:di, 8:de, 45a:O, O:45a, 45x:O, or O:45x geometry for reflection.ISO 17223-2014 pdf free download.

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