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ISO 17608-2015 pdf free download

ISO 17608-2015 pdf free download.Textiles Bare elastane yarns Determination of resistance to chlorinated water (swimming-pool water)
Textiles — Fils d’élasthanne flu — Determination de Ia résistance a l’eau chlorée (eau de piscine).
1 winding frame
2 specimen
L height ci the frame, subjected to height of the containers (Jj, as to avoid shaking while rotated
5.4 pH-meter, having an accuracy of 0,02 units.
6 Reagents
6.1 DeIonized water, Grade 3 quality as specified in Iso 3696.
6.2 Use only reagents of recognized analytical grade.
6.3 Sodium hypochlorite, (NaClO), aqueous solution, having the following composition:
— Active chlorine: 40 gIl to 160 g/l.
— Sodium chloride (NaCI): 120 g/l to 170 g/l.
— Sodium hydroxide (NaOH): 20 g/l maximum.
— Sodium carbonate (Na2CO): 20 g/l maximum.
— Iron (Fe): 0,01 g/l maximum.
6.4 Potassium dihydrogenphosphate (KH2PO4).
6.5 Disodium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate (Na2HPOç2 H20), or disodium hydrogenphosphate
dodecahydrate (Na2HPO4’12H20).
6.6 Sodium hypochlorite, (NaCIO), aqueous solution, containing 100 mg of active chlorine per
litre, at pH = 7,50 ± 0,05.
Prepare solutions as lollows, using deionized water (1).
— Solution 1: dilute 20,0 ml sodium hypochlorite solution (3) to 11.
— Solution 2: 14,35 g KH2PO4 (6A) per litre.
— Solution 3: 20,05 g Na2HPO4•2H20 (fS) per litre, or 40,35 g Na2HPO412H2O (S) per litre.
To 25,0 ml of Solution 1, add excess of potassium iodide (KI) and hydrochloric acid (HCI), and titrate the liberated iodine with a sodium thiosulfate solution, c(NaZS2O3) = 0,1 mol/l, using starch solution as indicator.
Let the volume of sodium thiosulfate solution required be Vml.
For each litre of working solution at pH 7,50 ± 0,05, use:
705,0/V ml of Solution 1;
100,0 ml of Solution 2;
500.0 ml of Solution 3. Dilute to 1 1, with water.
Before use, check the pH of the solution with a p11-meter (5A).
If necessary, adjust the pH using either sodium hydroxide, c(NaOl-l) = 0,1 mol/I, or acetic acid, c(CH3COOH) = 0,1 mol/l.
All sodium hypochiorite solutions should be prepared just prior to use.
6.7 Sodium hypochlorite, (NaClO), aqueous solution, containing 50 mg of active chlorine per litre, at
pH = 7,50 ± 0,05.
Follow the same procedure as in 6.6, except that, for each litre of working solution at pH 7,50 ± 0,05, use:
705,0/2Vml of Solution 1.
All sodium hypochiorite solutions should be prepared just prior to use.
6.8 Sodium hypochlorlte, (NaCIO), aqueous solution, containing 20 mg of active chlorine per litre, at
pH = 7,50 ± 0,05.ISO 17608-2015 pdf free download.

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