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ISO 17640-2010 pdf free download

ISO 17640-2010 pdf free download.Non-destructive testing of welds — Ultrasonic testing — Techniques, testing levels, and assessment.
6.1 Personnel qualifications
Personnel performing testing in accordance with this International Standard shall be qualified to an appropriate level in ultrasonic testing in accordance with ISO 9712 or EN 473 or equivalent in the relevant industrial sector.
In addition to a general knowledge of ultrasonic weld inspection, personnel shall also be familiar with testing problems specifically associated with the type of weld boints to be examined.
6.2 Equipment
Any equipment used for testing in conjunction with this International Standard shall comply with the
requirements of EN 12668 (all parts).
6.3 Probe parameters
6.3.1 Test frequency
The frequency shall be within the range 2 MHz to 5 MHz, and shall be selected to comply with the specified acceptance levels.
For the initial testing, the frequency shall be as low as possible, within the above range. when the evaluation is carried out according to acceptance levels based on length and amplitude, e.g. ISO 11666. Higher frequencies may be used to improve range resolution if this is necessary when using standards for acceptance levels based on characterization of indications, e.g. ISO 23279.
Frequencies of approximately 1 MHz may be used for testing at long sound paths where the material shows above average attenuation.
6.3.2 Angles of incidence
When testing is carried out with transverse waves and techniques that require the ultrasonic beam to be reflected from an opposite surface, care shall be taken to ensure that the angle between the beam and the normal to the opposite reflecting surface is between 350 and 70°. Where more than one probe angle is used. at least one of the angle probes used shall conform with this requirement. One of the probe angles used shall ensure that the weld fusion faces are examined at, or as near as possible to, normal incidence. When the use of two or more probe angles is specified, the difference between the nominal beam angles shall be 10° or greater.
Angles of incidence at the probe and opposite reflecting surface, when curved. may be determined by drawing a sectional view of the weld or in accordance with the techniques given in EN 583-2. Where angles of incidence cannot be determined as specified by this International Standard, the testing report shall contain a comprehensive description of the scans used and the extent of any incomplete coverage caused, together with an explanation of the difficulties encountered.ISO 17640-2010 pdf free download.

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