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ISO 17682-2013 pdf free download
ISO 17682-2013 pdf free download.Ships and marine technology Methodology for ship launching utilizing air bags
Navires et technologie maritime — Méthodologie pour le lancement de bateau utilisant des coussins gonflables.
6.2.2 For class IV ships, calculations indicating variations in the internal pressures of the air bags shall be made for the entire ship launching operation. The location of the ship when the maximum air bag internal pressure will occur and the maximum internal pressure attained shall be made available for feasibility study and safety procedure preparation.
6.3 OperatIng procedure
6.3.1 All obstacles shall be cleared along the way of the air bags, including the ship bottom.
6.3.2 The bow of the ship shall be tied to the windlass with mooring steel wire ropes. One end of the steel wire rope shall be tied to the strength member of the ship such as a bollard or a special horn, the other end shall be tied to the pulley set of the towing system.
6.3.3 According to the planning of 62. air bags shall be placed underneath the ship.
6.3.4 The air bags are to be filled from the stern to the bow. Initially, the air bags are not to be fully inflated. Having inflated all air bags and ensured that they made contact with the ship’s bottom, the air bags shall be filled to the specified pressure.
6.3.5 When the ship bottom is lifted higher than the docking blocks and the air bags are bearing the weight of the ship, the docking blocks shall be removed. After all the docking blocks are removed, adjust the internal pressure of the air bags to make the force balance.
6.3.6 After the workers and other personnel who are going to stay onboard during the launching have boarded the ship, remove the ladders and gangways and so on.
6.3.7 Depending on the conditions of slipway and area water, one of the following launching methods may be used:
a) if the area water is wide enough, one can launch the ship by moving the ship to the waters edge, disengage the windlass, remove or cut the tow line and let the ship slides into the water by itself;
b) If the area water Is not wide enough. use the windlass to control the launching speed and let the ship glide into the water slowly;
c) if the stern of the ship is built directly over the water and no windlass is available, the ship shall be secured to the ground anchor by the rope before filling the air bags. The minimum water depth needed for launching is to be calculated. The ship may be launched by herself into the water by cutting off the rope or letting off the ground anchor when there is enough water depth.ISO 17682-2013 pdf free download.
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