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ISO 17860-2014 pdf free download

ISO 17860-2014 pdf free download.Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of drying loss of ceramic granules
Céramiques techniques — Déter,nination de Ia perte cm séchage des granules de céramique.
4.2 The test shall be carried out on three different test portions. For routine in process-quality-control- measurements, only one test is sufficient.
NOTE Select representative test sample using a sample splitter or equivalent method.
5 Procedure
5.1 Procedure 1: Drying oven
When using a drying oven described in j, procedure is as follows.
5.1.1 Dry an empty and clean flat-bottomed dish at (110 ± 5)°C for at least 2 hand allow it to cool down to room temperature in a desiccator.
5.1.2 Weigh the empty dish to the nearest 1 mg.
5.1.3 Put a granulated ceramic powder into the dish and spread it evenly over the bottom oIthe dish by gentle movement of the dish until it gives a layer with a thickness of about 5 mm to 10 mm.
5.1.4 Weigh the as-received powder in the dish to the nearest 1 mg (mj).
5.1.5 Place the dish with the powder in an oven and dry it at (110 ± 5)°C for 2 h. When the drying is completed, transfer the dish to a desiccator and allow it to cool to room temperature.
NOTE If organic additives contained in granulated ceramic powder decompose or evaporate at 110°C, select a lower temperature to dry the dish with the powder considering the nature of the material. The condition chosen shall be shown to be adequate for complete drying using a separate series of tests. Record the temperature in the test report.
5.1.6 Weigh the dried powder in the dish to the nearest 1 mg (m2).
5.1.7 Compare the mass of dried powder (m2) with that of as-received powder (mi). If a mass loss by drying is more than 3 mg, repeat £.L5 to 5.1.2 until it becomes less than 3 mg.
5.1.8 Repeat 5.1.1 to 5.1.2 with two additional portions and average the results.
5.2 Procedure 2: Moisture analyser
When using a moisture analyser described in 12.. procedure is as follows.ISO 17860-2014 pdf free download.

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