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ISO 1827-2011 pdf free download

ISO 1827-2011 pdf free download.Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic Determination of shear modulus and adhesion to rigid plates Quadrupleshear methods
Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique — Déterminat ion du module de cisaillement et de Ia force d’adhérence a des plaques rigides — Méthodes du quadruple cisaillement.
4.1 Method A — Determination of the shear modulus
The force required to obtain a range of predetermined shear strains of a unit of standard dimensions comprising four parallelepipeds of rubber symmetrically disposed and bonded to four parallel rigid plates is measured. the forces being parallel to the bonding surfaces and, as a rule, non-destructive, I.e. of maximum values appreciably lower than the bond strength.
4.2 Method B — Determination of the adhesion
The force required to cause the rupture of a unit as described for method A is measured.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Test machine, complying with the requirements of ISO 5893, capable of measuring force with an accuracy corresponding to class 1, as defined in ISO 5893:2002, and with a rate of traverse of the moving grip of 5 mm/mm (method A) or 50 mm/mm (method B).
The test machine shall include apparatus to measure the deformation of the rubber of the test piece to an accuracy of 0.02 mm.
5.2 FIxtures, for holding the test pieces in the grips, provided with a universal joint to permit accurate centring of the line of action of the applied force.
5.3 EnvIronmental chamber, suitable for carrying out tests at the temperature chosen or specified (see Clause 10). conforming to the requirements of ISO 23529.
6 Calibration
The test apparatus shall be calibrated in accordance with the schedule given in Annex A.
7 Test piece
7.1 Shape and dimensions
The test piece shall consist of four identical parallelepipedic rubber elements 4 mm r 1 mm thick, 20 mm ± 5 mm wide and 25 mm ± 5 mm long, bonded on each of their two largest opposite faces to the mating faces of four rigid plates of the same width and of appropriate lengths to obtain a symmetrical double-sandwich arrangement, means being provided at the free external end of each central plate to enable it to be attached to a holding fixture. The rigid plates shall be of sufficient thickness to withstand bending. A typical arrangement is shown in Figure 1.ISO 1827-2011 pdf free download.

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