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ISO 18440-2013 pdf free download

ISO 18440-2013 pdf free download.Space data and information transfer systems Space Link Extension Internet Protocol for Transfer Services
Systèmes de transfert des in formations et données spa tiales — Extension de liaisons spa tiales — Pro tocole Internet pour services de transfert.
application is the responder-identifier and the identifier of the peer application is the initiator-identifier.
The ISPI Data Encoding Layer (DEL) is responsible for the encoding and decoding of all SLE protocol data units, except for the PEER-ABORT invocation PDU. For this UI0SC it uses the ASN. I types defined by the Recommended Standards for SLE transfer services and applies the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) defined by reference 1101.
NOTE — This Recommended Standard assumes that the PEER-ABORT operation is implemented by direct interaction between the TML and higher layers. Handling of the PEER-ABORT operation by the TML is described in 2.5.5.
The DEL receives SLE PDUs from the Authentication Layer, encodes the PDU and passes the encoded PDU as a data buffer to the Transport Mapping Layer. Likewise, it receives encoded PDUs from the Transport Mapping Layer. decodes them, and passes the decoded PDU to the Authentication Layer.
When receiving a BIND invocation PDU from either the AL or the TML. DEL uses the parameters service-type and version-number to identify the ASN. I modules to use for all PDUs subsequently exchanged on the same association. If the service type or version number is not supported, the DEL informs the higher layers. which are expected to apply the procedures specified by the Recommended Standards for SLE transfer services.
NOTE — This Recommended Standard assumes that the DEL uses the parameters of the BIND operation to identify the ASN.I modules to use for encoding and decoding. because no additional configuration parameters are then needed. However, the intention is not to prevent an implementation from applying any other suitable approach as long as it is ensured that the ASN. I specification used is the one specified in the Recommended Standard that is identified by the service-type and version-number parameters in the BIND invocation.
In case of errors (e.g.. decoding failure), the DEL informs the higher layers. which are expected to abort the association using the PEER-ABORT operation.ISO 18440-2013 pdf free download.

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