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ISO 199-2014 pdf free download

ISO 199-2014 pdf free download.Rolling bearings — Thrust bearings— Geometrical product specification (GPS) and tolerance values
Roulements — Butées — Specification géométrique des produits (GPS) et valeurs de tolerance.
C.1 General
Due to the alignment with geometrical product specifications (GPS), the terms and definitions of some tolerance characteristics have been changed. This is obvious If the terms and definitions in ISO 1132-1141 (which were the basis of previous editions of this International Standard) and the terms and definitions in ISO/GPS standards are compared.
This Annex illustrates the differences in terms of some characteristics.
Definitions are slightly modified in order to fit to thrust bearing shaft washers. Otherwise, they are fully in line with ISO 1132-1.141 Figures Ci to C do not show the proportions of a thrust bearing washer, because for better visibility of the details, a long cylinder is shown.
C.2 Single bore diameter versus two-point diameter
C.2.1 Single bore diameter according to ISO 1132-114) For graphical representation, see Figures C.1 and Cl.
single bore diameter
distance between two parallel tangents to the line of intersection of the actual bore surface and any radial plane
ISOURCE: ISO 1132-1:2000, 5.1.21
radial plane
plane perpendicular to an axis
Note ito entry: Fora thrust bearing washer, it is generally acceptable to consider a radial plane as being
parallel with the plane tangential to the back face of washer.
[SOURCE: ISO 1132-1:2000, 4.5, modified — The Note has been changed.J
washer axis
axis of the cylinder inscribed in the basically cylindrical bore of a washer
C.2.2 Two-point diameter according to Iso 14405-1 and ISO 14660-21111 For graphical r&’prt.sentation see Figure C.3.
C.2.2.1 Terms and definitions according to ISO 14405-1
two-point size
<local size> distance between two opposite points taken on the feature of size
Note 1 toentry:A two-point size taken on cylindercan be called a two-pointdiaineter. In ISO 14660-2,L111 this is defined as a local diameter olan extracted cylinder.
Note 2 to entry: A two-point size taken on two opposite planes can be called a ‘two-point clistance’ In ISO 14660-2. this is defined as a local size of two parallel extracted surfaces.
ISOURCE: ISO 14405-1:2010, 3.10.11
C.2.2.2 Terms and definitions according to ISO 14660-21111 C.2 .2.2.1
local size of an extracted cylinder
local diameter of an extracted cylinder
distance between two opposite points on the feature, where
— the connection line between the points includes the associated circle centre;
— the cross-sections are perpendicular to the axis of the associated cylinder obtained from the extracted surface
ISOtJRCE: ISO 14660-2:1999, 3.5J
extracted median line of a cylinder
locus of centres of cross-sections, where
— the centres of cross-sections are centres of associated circles;
— the cross-sections are perpendicular to the axis of the associated cylinder obtained from the extracted surface (i.e. the radius could be different from the nominal radius).ISO 199-2014 pdf free download.

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