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ISO 21563-2013 pdf free download

ISO 21563-2013 pdf free download.Dentistry Hydrocolloid impression materials
Médecine bucco-dentaire — Produits pour empreintes a base d ‘hydro collo Ides.
c) Soft mouldable clay-like, putty-like or wax, to partially fill perforations in the ring mould [7.3.1 b)J so as to help keep the light bodied agar materials confined in the mould.
d) Flat glass specimen cover plate, approximately 50 mm x 50 mm and at least 3 mm thick having one side covered with a polyethylene sheet approximately 0,035 mm thick.
NOTE A very thin film of the high vacuum grease [7.1.1 b)] spread over the underside of the glass plate will keep the polyethylene sheet smoothly adapted to the plate.
e) Mould release solution (for the alginate containing specimens only), such as a freshly made 1 % solution of tetradecylamine in acetone, for preventing adherence of the alginate specimen materials to the lined test block surface.
1) Oven, held at (35 ± 2) °C, for simulated intra-oral temperature conditioning of the test block.
g) Equipment recommended for liquefaction, storing and tempering the agar materials and the recommended syringes and needles as may be applicable [8.2.2 a)] and the items needed for proportioning and mixing the alginates 18.2.3 c)J.
h) Two water baths, for use depending upon the material being tested
— one held within whatever temperature range the manufacturer instructions may recommend for cooling agar impressions in the mouth, or
— one held at simulated intra oral temperature of (35 ± 2) °C, for use with the alginate materials that are exposed to that approximate temperature while setting in the mouth.
I) C-clamp, having a minimum screw opening of 40 mm and a minimum throat depth of at least 30mm.
j) Disinfectant identified by the manufacturer [8.2.1 1)], second subdivisioni.
k) Microscope, equipped for x 4 to x 12 magnification and low angle illumination.
7.3.2 Examination and conditioning of equipment and accessories
a) Use the microscope [7.3.1 k)j to determine whether the lines on the test block have been cleared ot contaminants.
NOTE An ultrasonic cleaning device containing a concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate in water has been found useful for removing alginate contaminants from impression trays and test accessories.
b) Place the test block [7.3.la)j in the oven 17.3.1 01 for conditioning at least 15 mm.
7.3.3 Specimen preparation — Agar materials Prepare a minimum of three specimens.ISO 21563-2013 pdf free download.

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