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ISO 22068-2012 pdf free download

ISO 22068-2012 pdf free download.Sintered-metal injection-moulded materials — Specifications
Matérlaux metalliques frittés pour moulage par injection — Specifications.
This ISO 22068 has adopted the concept of minimum mechanical and magnetic property values. These values may be used for determining the material most suited for a particular application If the part is manufactured by means of the MIM process.
6.2 Minimum mechanical property values
The minimum values for the MIM materials are expressed in terms of ultimate tensile strength, yield strength (0,2 % offset), and percent elongation to fracture. Values are reported for structural materials in both the assintered and heat-treated condition (where applicable).
The tensile properties used for establishing this International Standard were obtained from tensile specimens prepared according to ISO 2740. Tensile properties obtained from test specimens prepared by machining of non-standard specimens, or from non-standard specimens directly, may differ from those prepared according to ISO 2740. Evidence of mechanical properties for a particular component shall therefore be based on the tensile properties measured using specimens prepared according to ISO 2740. These specimens shall be manufactured from the same batch of material as the components, have the same density and be sintered and heat treated (if required) along with the components.
Defects introduced during the MIM processing of particular components may limit the tensile properties. Nondestructive evaluation of the parts can be necessary to ensure that the minimum property specifications according to this International Standard are met, if proof testing is not used.
6.3 Proof testing
The practical method for demonstrating the strength of a component is through static or dynamic testing stipulated by the supplier and/or user of the MIM part. This proof test should be as closely related to the actual function of the part as possible, as provided by break load, bend test, pull test, etc. For example, It may be agreed that the break load should be greater than a given value. If that load is exceeded in proof tests, the minimum strength is demonstrated. In an alternative method, the first batch of parts can also be tested in service and demonstrated to be acceptable. The static or dynamic load to fracture is determined separately and these data are statistically analysed to determine a minimum break load for future production batches. Exceeding that minimum load on future lots of these parts is proof that the specified strength requirement has been met.
6.4 ChemIcal composition
The chemical composition of each material lists the principal alloying elements by minimum and maximum percentage. Other elements include the total other elements by difference and are listed as a maximum value in mass percent.ISO 22068-2012 pdf free download.

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