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ISO 22322-2015 pdf free download

ISO 22322-2015 pdf free download.Societal security Emergency management Guidelines for public warning
Sécurité sociétale — Gestion des urgences — Mises en garde de la population. NotifIcation
The purpose of notification is to provide essential information prior to the incident to people at risk regarding the decisions and actions necessary to cope with a developing emergency situation.
The notification should be timely, appropriate to the people who are potentially at risk, and reflect the current status of the situation. The information should be supplemented by pictograms, graphic symbols, and/or signs.
The warning dissemination function should consider the following when preparing a notification:
a) the type and purpose of the alert that will be issued;
b) the hazard, threat, or emergency situation prompting the notification;
c) when the emergency situation is expected to occur;
d) the people at risk to whom the notification applies;
e) the appropriate safety actions to be taken;
1) when additional information will be available and how to get it.
5.4.4 Select warning methods
The warning dissemination function should determine the appropriate warning methods considering the following factors:
a) the time needed to allow people to follow the instruction (timeliness);
b) the availability, effectiveness, and technical reliability;
c) how easily people can access the transmitted message including vulnerable people.
The warning dissemination function should consider the capability of the range of communication channels to provide for maximum coverage and for timely distribution. Examples of existing communication channels are the following:
d) multi-purpose public person-to-person (telephone, FAX, cellular phone);
e) public broadcasting (TV, radio, cellular broadcast);
f) print media (newspapers);
g) dedicated warning systems (sirens, smoke alarms, indoor receiver, loud speakers, vehicles with public address loudspeaker systems);
h) information and communication technology-based (ICT) media (web pages. e-mail, SMS, and social media);
i) direct personal communication (neighbour to neighbour, workplaces).
The warning dissemination function should use multiple communication channels simultaneously and in a complimentary way.
New and emerging communication channels should be considered as they become available.
The warning dissemination function should monitor the communication channels used in order to maintain the quality of the warning dissemination and conduct periodic evaluations for effectiveness and consistency.ISO 22322-2015 pdf free download.

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