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ISO 2292-2017 pdf free download

ISO 2292-2017 pdf free download.Cocoa beans Sampling Feves de caca0-Echantillonnage.
5.4.1 General
Incremental samples each not exceeding 1 kg shall be taken uniformly, systematically, appropriately and concurrently with loading or discharge. The sample amount shall be a minimum of 300 beans per tonne drawn at the nearest practicable point to the hold or container, preferably from a moving stream when loading or discharging, or to/from silo, vessel, truck, barge, or other means of transport, from the whole of the bill of lading quantity.
Incremental samples shall be taken by ordinary sampling scoop or by other mutually agreed equipment (including automatic sampler) throughout loading or discharge and placed in (a) mutually agreed suitable container(s), to be kept closed and secure.
The sampling point is to be carefully selected and agreed between the sampler and the representatives of the interested parties, at a place where the incremental samples drawn are representative of the cocoa beans loaded or discharged.
In the event that the method of loading or discharge precludes access to a mutually agreed acceptable sampling point, the interested parties may interrupt the loading or discharge in order to draw incremental samples.
If samples are to be drawn from bagged cocoa prior to loading as bulk then samples shall be randomly drawn from a minimum of 30 % of the sound bags (see &3) presented to the interested parties for sampling.
Upon completion of the loading or discharge of the bill of lading quantity, all incremental samples shall be emptied on to a thoroughly clean flat surface and in an area free from any possible kind of contamination.
The composite sample is to be thoroughly and carefully mixed with dry, clean equipment immediately after the incremental samples have been drawn.
5.4.2 Moving stream
When sampling takes place while the lot is in motion, incremental samples shall be taken across the whole section of the flow, perpendicular to the direction of the flow, and at time intervals depending on the rate of flow.
If automatic instruments are used for sampling the beans when in motion, they shall have a slot opening that is at least 7,5 cm.
5.4.3 Stationary
When it is impossible to draw moving stream samples and samples are required to be taken from wagons or vehicles, incremental samples shall be drawn from the following:
a) not less than 5 sampling points from each wagon or vehicle containing up to 15 t;
b) not less than 9 sampling points from each wagon or vehicle containing 1St to 30 t;ISO 2292-2017 pdf free download.

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