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ISO 24518-2015 pdf free download

ISO 24518-2015 pdf free download.Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services Crisis management of water utilities
Activités relutives (1IIX services (le I’euu potuI)Ie et cle I’uss(Iinisselnent — Gestion (IC crise des services publics de l’eau.
When clear and sufficient infc)rmatioI) for rcstIml)tinn of normal operatioiial management is available. deactivation of the crisis management team should he declared by the relevant organization representative.
Upon deactivation of the crisis management team, the operation shifts to the post-crisis phase of evaluation and review followed by consideration of continuous improvement actions.
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
The organ izat ion should deternune the following:
— what needs to be monitored and measured;
— the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure valid results;
— when the monitoring and measuring should be performed;
— when the results from monitoring anti nicasuremelli should he analysed and evaluated.
The organization should retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the results.
The organization should evaluate the crisis performance and effectiveness.
9.1.1 Monitoring and review olthe implementation olthc crisis management system General
Monitoring and review of the implementation of the crisis management system may be incorporated wit hiii other evaluation systems of the organization.
9.1.12 System evaluation
The organization should evaluate the crisis managenwnt system, procedures, and capabilities through periodic reviews, testing, post-crisis reports, lessons learned, performance evaluations, audits and exercises. Procedures should be updated promptly to reflect significant changes due to these factors.
Monitoriiig o[thc crisis management system should include the el’lectiveness of the following:
a) implementation of the crisis managdnwnt system iii the organization;
b) system during a crisis;
c) system during an exercise.
(:c,nsiste,t with its commitment to compliance, the organization should establish, implement and inaintai n procedures for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable legal requirements and compare industry good practices and compliance with its own policy and objectives related to crisis rnanagenwnt.
The organization should keep records of the results of the periodic evaluations. Testing and exercises
The crisis management system should include the types of training and exercises to he undertaken and their Irequency.
Training should provide the staff of the organization with the competency to handle a crisis. Exercising should test the effectiveness of the training.
The organization should document the level of competency required of 11w staff that are likely to :iiake up the crisis maiiagenwnt team,
The exercise programme should be consistent with the objectives of the organization and the regulations to which it is subject.
Exercises may include a predetermined outcome, tabletop exerci5es, simulations, and fully operational exercises.
The conimunication channels should be part of the exercise. Exercises should be based on realistic scenarios and take into account risk assessnwnts. They should be carefully planned and affected parties informed SO that there is minimum risk of disruption to tiornial operational lrocesses.
Every exercise should have clearly defined objectives anti result in a post.exercise report that contains recommendations. This report should be used to improve crisis management arrangements, including the capability of the people involved in the exercise, in a timely manner.ISO 24518-2015 pdf free download.

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