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ISO 26000-2010 pdf free download

ISO 26000-2010 pdf free download.Guidance on social responsibility. Lignes directrices relatives a la responsabilité sociétale.
recognition following the publication in 1987 of the Report of the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future . Sustainable development is about meeting the needs of society while living within the planets ecological limits and without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development has three dimensions — economic, social and environmental — which are interdependent; for instance, the elimination of poverty requires the promotion of social justice and economic development and the protection of the environment.
The importance of these objectives has been reiterated over the years since 1987 in numerous international towms, such as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002.
Social responsibility has the organization as its focus and concerns an organization’s responsibilities to society and the environment. Social responsibility is closely linked to sustainable development. Because sustainable development is about the economic, social and environmental goals common to all people, it can be used as a way of summing up the broader expectations of society that need to be taken into account by organizations seeking to act responsibly. Therefore, an overarching objective of an organization’s social responsibility should be to contribute to sustainable development.
The principles, practices and core subjects described in the following dauses of this International Standard form the basis for an organization’s practical implementation of social responsibility and its contribution to sustainable development. The decisions and activities of a socially responsible organization can make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development.
The objective of sustainable development is to achieve sustainability for society as a whole and the planet. It does not concern the sustainability or ongoing viability of any specific organization. The sustainability of an individual organization may, or may not, be compatible with the sustainability of society as a whole, which is attained by addressing social, economic and environmental aspects in an integrated manner. Sustainable consumption, sustainable resource use and sustainable livelihoods are relevant to all organizations and relate to the sustainability of society as a whole.
3.4 The state and social responsibility
This International Standard cannot replace, alter or in any way change the duty of the state to act in the public interest. This International Standard does not provide guidance on what should be subject to legally binding obligations; neither is it intended to address questions that can only properly be resolved through political institutions. Because the state has the unique power to create and enforce the law, it is different from organizations. For instance, the duty of the state to protect human rights is different from those responsibilities of organizations with regard to human rights that are addressed in this International Standard.
The proper functioning of the state is indispensable for sustainable development. The role of the state Is essential in ensuring the effective application of laws and regulations so as to foster a culture of compliance with the law. Governmental organizations, like any other organizations, may wish to use this International Standard to inform their policies, decisions and activities related to aspects of social responsibility.ISO 26000-2010 pdf free download.

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